Hell breaks loose part 2

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Jump city east-side central hospital
Around 3:00 am

As of the last few months the Titans and the jcpd had issued a curfew to protect the citizens, though not mandatory it was strongly encouraged to not go out late at night and to avoid not well lit streets.
Hence why it was strange to see a man running his heart out in the middle of a foggy night such as this.
His feet kept clashing and splashing on the concrete and puddles that littered the streets, insanity and fear were embedded onto his face.

The man barged through the hospital doors screaming and panting; with wide bloodshot eyes.


As he kept yelling a few doctors rushed to his side to aid him, hospitals had had their days full for the last months with people coming in already dead or near dying almost every night.

Doc-"sir please calm down, what seems to be the problem, are you hurt?"


Doc-"it's okay sir you're safe now. You have to calm down now"

It took three doctors to restrain and sedate the screaming lunatic, after he had calmed down they were finally able to assess his condition.
The man wasn't hurt more than a few bruises; which couldn't explain the situation they found him in, at this point they did the only plausible
thing: they called the police and the Teen Titans.

Cyborg and Bee were first on the scene, with Starfire and the other titan east answering nightwing's distress call.

Cy-"alright pal time to spit it out. What happened? Who are you? Who do you work for? And who's coming after you?"

Bee-"if we are to protect you we need to know what we're dealing with here. Don't leave out any details"

"Uhm.. okay. So, my name is Emil Faux, but everyone on the street knows me as striker,
I... uh... was, an enforcer and carrier for the Corletto family here in east-side. We were on to something big. Deathstroke reached out to us and set up a meeting."


Bee-"wait until nightwing gets wind of this"

The two Titans exchanged a look of understanding and held each other for a moment

Bee-"we will find your little sister and your best friend, i promise babe"

Cy-"I'm not sure that's what I want anymore"

The two cops that were in the room with them took over for a moment, wishing to give some time to mourn to the two heroes

Cop-" go on then"

Emil-" yeah so we set up this big ass meeting at an old warehouse in the middle of jump city right? Deathstroke sent a few of his goons to trade us advanced guns in exchange for additional protection"

Cy-" protection? Slade? That's unlikely"

Bee-" are you sure it's wise to lie to us? The only ones that are keeping you safe right now?"

Emil-" I'm not lying bitch! That's what-"

Cy-"watch the fucking language or we're leaving you understand?"

Emil-"uhh fiiine, whatever, so we were making this trade right? And then..."

A few hours earlier

There were around 60 people in the old abandoned warehouse in the middle of the city, considering the current situation of the criminal underworld, it was nothing short of a miracle that so many of them were able to come together.
There were the remaining 45 people of the Corletto family, including Gustavo Corletto himself. At the meeting were an additional 15 members of Slade's personal army.

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