Secrets revealed

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I woke up naked and chained to a wall, the cold chains sent chills down my spine, I groaned and tried to pull the chains, as soon as I tried a bolt of electricity traversed my body, I screamed in pain and fell on my knees, or almost, the chains kept me from reaching the ground.

The room I was in was small and without windows, the walls were white and the only way out was a steel door on the other side of the room, which opened only moments later

Joker-"wakey wakey, my green friend, we've got things to do"

he chuckled his sinister laugh and stepped aside, allowing two man to bring in a trail with all sorts of knives and whips on it

Joker-"so... with what do you want to start?"

He picked up the whip

Joker-"this was your favorite one wasn't it ahahahahahahahahaha"

It all started when I was ten, the night I killed my uncle and I escaped, hoping to find peace, when really, it just got worse.

I ran and I ran, when it was morning I had finally reached Gotham
(His uncle lived in the us, not in africa, just to be clear)
I always heard from my uncle that Gotham was a place filled with opportunities, I thought that they'd have at least one for a kid like me as well... I was so wrong.

During my very first night in Gotham I was taken by three guys and brought to star labs, where I stayed for a year, a year of tests, horrible, terrifying, violent tests....


Doc1-"so, sakutia it is then?"

Doc2-"yes apparently"

Doc3-"but, there's no cure for that decease, how is he still alive?, and why's he green?"

Doc1-"well...the only way to find out is... open him up"

Doc2-"I'll prepare the room and the sedatives"

Doc1-"no need for those, the kid is gonna pass out for shock when we begin"

Doc3-"but that's inhuman!"

Doc1-"and you think that freak is?"

The doctors brought the boy in the room and laid him on the cold metal bed

Chan-"w-what w-will y-you do to m-me?"

Doc3-"be strong kid"

Chan-"I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm tired, please, I want to go home"

The kid cried, he was scared, and he had every reason to be

Doc1-"you don't have a home, you're just a monster, property of star labs, like this shows"

The doctor then grabbed an incandescent stick with the brand name of star labs at the end and marked the kid on the shoulder

The kid screamed and struggled to get free but The doctor chained him to the bed and with a knife, they started cutting through his flesh, from the start to the end of his ribcage, the scream and cries of the ten year old kid echoed through the room, he then passed out like the doctors predicted.

When he woke up the pain in his chest was almost unbearable, the little kid cried his eyes out that night and all the nights that followed, every day it was a test, everyday a new way to bring him pain, one day they'd cut him and wound him to verify the capacity of his healing factor, one day they'd make him run until he fainted, to check his stamina, one day they'd make him morph repeatedly and in always bigger animals.

These have been the days of the changeling for a year, but at least one of the doctors was kind with him and brought him good meals.

his life changed again when one night he heard an explosion go off right outside his room, somehow a criminal had come to know of the kid's powers and now was after him, the green kid was far too weak to run or fight, so he had no choice but going with the criminals, they putted him in a cage and brought him inside an abandoned circus, where he met a strange looking man, with white skin, green hair and red lips

Joker-"so kiddo, a bird told me that you have certain abilities, is that true?"

The kid mumbled a yes, but didn't look at the man, he was scared

Joker-"LOOK AT ME"

The man suddenly became scarier then the doctors, scarier then his uncle and the kid just cried some more, only wishing to end it all.

The joker locked the kid in a dark room and kept him there for days, without ever feeding him, until one day...

*door opens*

Man1-"get in there you jackass"

A man pushed a boy into the changeling's cell and then locked the door, then the joker's voice was heard through the room

Joker-"ok kiddo, now, if you're hungry, there's your dinner, ahahahahahahahahaha"

The green boy couldn't help himself he was starving, he needed to eat or he would have died, so he charged at the boy, turning into a lion and tearing him apart, he ate the boy whole, then cried himself to sleep, the clown prince of crime continued feeding the boy like that, treating him like a beast, shocking him without hesitation whenever he felt like it.

The changeling's life finally got better when Batman captured the joker and he was on the streets again, this time though he was found by the doom patrol, who became his adoptive family, then came the teen titans, and finally, the green teen was happy, heck he was even in love, but now, the joker found him, starting a new period of pain in the life of the green shapeshifter.

End of flashback CHANGELING POV




I could feel the blood dripping down my back, and the lashes burned like fire on my bloody wounds

Joker-"I'll have to re-educate you son, you must have some insane ideas right now in your head"


Joker-"you may even think that you're not a monster, ahaha"


Joker-"but don't worry, I'm here to remind you"

"G-go... t-to... h-hell"

Joker-"where do you think I come from? Ahahahahahaha"


Joker-"now you listen to me and you listen good, I will hurt you, like I've never hurt anyone before, I'm going to make you mad, and then, when there will be nothing more then your animal side inside your head, I'm gonna set you free, and you, are going to kill the titans and Batman for me... ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"


I cried, but I wouldn't give in, no, I will resist his tortures, I will resist anything he throws at me, I have to, for Rae, I have to stay strong and sane, for raven

"For raven" I whispered to myself so he wouldn't hear

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