In love with a monster

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I felt the light shine on my pale body, I forced my heavy eyelids open and I was very happy to find a green changeling snoring softly just next to me, the light hit his body, making his green skin shine, he really was gorgeous... but yet again what do I have to offer him? I'm just an ugly witch, half demon, dark girl, I really don't know what the beast and hopefully him found in me... wait... the beast... I shivered as memories of last night came in my mind, the last thing I remember was the beast landing in front of me... what happened next... I was going to wake him up, but then he snuggled his face in the pillow and with one arm, brought me closer to him, my back against his chest, he purred softly... that embrace made me feel so safe... so happy... so relaxed... I drifted back to sleep.

I woke up next to Rae... or better, attached to Rae, I heard her breathing slowly and peacefully, I'm glad I was able to comfort her yesterday, she went through a lot lately, I'll cook her breakfast again, but this time, I'll be so quick that she'll have to take it to bed.

I morphed into a fly and got out of the room. In the common room I was greeted by star, and only star?
Star-"oh morning friend B.B."
"Ehi Star, where are the others?"
"Oh friend cyborg and robin have went to check on a crime"
"And you got up late like me..."
"Oh no friend. As a fact I was here when they were advised but robin told me to stay here"
"Oh really? Doesn't sound like robin to me, has he told you why?"
"Well yes, he said that from what he heard, I wouldn't have wanted to see the victims" my face fell... had they found those guys the beast mauled?... will they trace them to me?... what should I do??... I can't tell them what happened, I promised Rae... the water boiling brought me back to the present and I decided that right now... I had to take care of Rae...

I woke up, again, but this time, to the nice smell of waffles and herbal tea, I stretched myself and opened my eyes, to see BeastBoy standing at the edge of the table with a tray with breakfast, I thanked him softly then we sat together on the bed, eating and staring into each other's eyes, it was really one of the nicest moments of my life, I wanted it to last forever but I knew I had to ask this sooner or later.

"Gar... last night... the last thing I remember was the beast landing in front of me... what happened next?" I asked them took a sip of my tea, he whimpered at my request and started shaking, this is not good.

"I...I... let him take over" what? No! He couldn't have! "You ALLOWED him to take over?!" I yelled, he looked down and his ears lowered in shame, and he whimpered louder, and louder
"What did he do?" He looked up at me with tears in his eyes "what was necessary..." my eyes widened, I needed to know, I touched his forehead, and memories of the night before came rushing down on me... oh god... the horror... the blood... what had he done?!?! I backed away, reaching the back of the bed, I stared at him in shock, I... maybe for the first time in my whole life I was actually afraid of BeastBoy... he whimpered louder, then grabbed his stomach with a groan and fell behind the bed, I felt his aura change, then he got up from behind the bed, but one of his eyes was pitch black... the beast was present.

"We can smell your fear... and we don't like it!"
He was clearly irritated
"Beast... stand down... she's right-"
"No! What we did was necessary! They deserved it! She should be thankful, not afraid!"
He growled at himself, I just stared at them... "what did you do to those men?" He...they kept growling and whimpering... "WHAT did you do to them" I half yelled, Gar looked up at me, the beast was still there "we wanted to save you..." "ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION" I yelled, he looked down then up again, "we killed them, all of them" I started crying, the beast's black eye disappeared, and Gar got closer to hug me, to help me, but I backed away, I was now off the bed and near the door, he whimpered again, and got up trying to reach for me "Rae, please, let me explain, I-"
"NO! there's nothing to explain, you're a murderer!" He stopped dead on his track, silent tears streaming down his face, he sighed heavily "well alright then, sorry, I'll never save you again, I'll never help you again, I'll never love you again if that's what you want, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be seen around with a green monster anyway" and with that he pushed past me and stormed out of the room.

Wait... did he say love? "GAR! WAIT!" I ran after him but when I was in the common room he was sit on the couch, cyborg and Robin in front of him.

Cy-"and that's the situation B, we need your enhanced senses to find this killer on the run before he hurts anyone else"
I looked around and saw star throwing up into a bag, her skin was pale, on the tv screen was a picture, I got closer so that I could see it, robin covered the screen with his arm and looked at me
Rob-"you sure you wanna see this Raven? It's not pretty" I nodded and he moved his arm away... oh my god, the bodies were even worse then how I saw them in Gar's memories, one was headless, no two were headless and the third was, in half, oh my god, I started crying and shaking, robin being the closest to me, hugged me, I hugged back but I didn't feel safe, his hugs were... different from Gar's, I looked up and saw Gar looking at as with black eyes... oh no.
Ehi fellas, how is it going? Hope well, now, the story is about to enter the second act, in witch I will explore the robstar a bit, and also... I need you guys to vote!
So choose between
Cyjinks or cybee, the one who receives more votes will be in the story! See ya!

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