The nightmare

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sorry for the image above 😂 the chapter is going to be serious toned, but I couldn't resist that face 🤣


I was in a dark place, blackness was surrounding me, and I felt cold, I was scared, I didn't know what to do, so I started running, I ran and I ran until from the darkness I heard the sweet voice of raven in the distance

"RAVEN" I yell at the top of my lungs

I couldn't hear her voice clear it was more of a confused blur but I think I recognized the source, so I ran in that direction, faster, faster, her voice getting louder but not clearer, I still couldn't understand what she was saying but as long as I had hope to see her, I didn't care.

At one point, in the mid of the darkness, a light turned on, illuminating a cloaked figure lied down

"RAVEN!" I yelled again

I reached her side and scooped her up into my arms, her face was bloodied, then her eyes opened and she looked at me

Rae-"g-gar, you...c-could have save-d us"

"What are you talking about?" I said, tears streaming my face, then it hit me


She moved her cloak aside, revealing the dead body of a child, a little girl, with light green skin, purple hairs and pointed ears

"NOOOO" I howled in pain and screamed, reaching at the dead body of could only be my daughter, I screamed again facing the dark sky of that hell hole.

When I looked down again, my hand was no longer holding raven up, I was stabbing her with my claws, the blood pouring out of her wound onto my hand, I gasped and screamed again, retrieving my bloodied hand from her

"No no no no no, I couldn't, I haven't, I didn't mean to, I..."

Rae-"you... should have.... protected us"

??-"you could have saved us too"

I looked up, and from the darkness, emerged... my parents!


I yanked back, falling and crawling away, they were there, telling me what I knew from the beginning

Parents-"why haven't you saved us son?"

"I, I couldn't, I-"

Parents-"lies son, you could, but you didn't, just as now you're going to fail saving her"

My parents gestured to the wounded raven, and I was about to jump back at her side, but when she looked at me, she screamed as if she had just seen a ghost, my heart shattered in that moment, and I felt like life itself was being drained from me...

Other figures emerged from the darkness, the titans

"Oh thanks god guys help me up here, I-"

Night-"don't worry raven, now I'm here"

"W-what?" It's official, I lost it, I don't even know who I am anymore!

Cy-"I thought I knew you man" he said shaking his head

Star-"we did the trusting of you"


Cy took out his sonic cannon and aimed at me

Cy-"you have to be put down"

Night-"shhh Rae, he can't hurt you anymore"

"I don't know what's going on but I don't like it" my now booming voice echoed through the darkness, then as surprisingly as they came, they all vanished in a mist of black smoke.

I grabbed my head and screamed in pain and confusion, then a laugh, a very familiar and terrifying laugh made its way in the darkness, I instinctively started running, away from the laugh, away from him, until I bumped into something, I looked up and saw a sheet covering something

Joker-"I told you you were just like me"


I screamed to no one in particular, then he came from behind the object and took the sheet off, revealing a mirror, and in the mirror, was a man, a green man with, with the joker's face, I took a moment to realize it, the man in the mirror, was me!

I have the joker's face, I have become a monster, I failed to save my parents, and I failed to protect raven.

I fell on my knees and cried, I cried under the sound of his nightmarish laugh and I whimpered in the coldness of what I could only think was my mind , praying this nightmare would end soon.

'And when it ends...'

'I will make sure, nothing can ever hurt raven'

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