Mates and marks

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I entered the door that led to my father's throne room

"What do you want?" I hissed

My father noticed me and shrunk down to normal size before... greeting me?

Trigon-"oh my dear daughter raven, good to see you daughter, come we have much to discuss"

He put a hand on my shoulder but I yanked it off

"Stop playing friendly! You never were"

Trigon-"oh but my dear, today is such a special day, that even I cannot keep a frown"

"Why? What happens today?" I asked worried that he might be happy cause he gained a stronger army or something like that

Trigon-"You're turning 17!!!"

"No father, it's in three days"

Trigon-"HA! maybe on earth, but in hell.... happy birthday"

I still wasn't convinced, he never was nice to me, he wanted me dead or a demon like him, why was he playing the nice guy all of a sudden?

"We defeated you already, you can't come back"

His face fell and he snarled at the thought, but he quickly regained composure

Trigon-"Yes..... I'm aware of that , but my dear that's not why you're here... it's time for you and me to have.... the talk"

I shivered slightly and sat on a large chair that appeared besides me

He ran a hand through his white hairs And chuckled nervously

Trigon-"Well dear.... you see... in the life of a female demon... comes a particular time... mating time"

Mating.... mate, Gar seemed so worried that I could consider Aqua my mate, why? What does it even mean?

"What is a mate?"

Trigon-"a mate dear, is a special person in your life that your demon side recognize as your soulmate and with this person and this person only you'll feel love and be marked by"


Trigon-"I was getting there, as you might know, demons are creatures known for their great lust, and during the act of procreation with your mate, this mate will bite on your neck making a mark, that's why its called marking"

My eyes widened

"Yeah... that's not happening"

He chuckled sinisterly

Trigon-"oh but my dear, if a female demon doesn't find a mate and gets marked before her 18th birthday, she will die"

"WHAT?!?! How am I even suppose to find a demon to mate on earth?!"

Trigon-"Who ever said that it had to be demon?"

My eyes widened and he chuckled again

"B-but how?"

Trigon-"you see daughter, a mate must fit certain aspects, but being a demon isn't one of them"

"Then what are those aspects?"

Trigon-"you have a book about demon's biology and physiology, you should have read it a long time ago, it is all described there"

I was so confused, mates, marks, it was a whole lot to process

He chuckled more and grew back to his gigantic size and sat on his throne

Trigon-"lust, your new emotion will emerge soon, I suggest you find someone to satisfy both her and you, find a mate my child and grant me a grandson that will be my heir!"

"If I ever have a son I'll NEVER let him become like you!"

Trigon-"we'll see daughter... we'll see"

Red mist appeared from behind the throne and soon everything faded into blackness, I felt like I was about to wake up...

I opened my eyes and waited for my vision to get clear, I sighed and sat up, I heard a small growl as I sat up, I turned around to see a tiger, cuddled behind me and my wet pillow on the floor.

"Thanks Gar..." I whisper to myself, I get up and start looking around my library, I have to find that book!

Finally after having basically revolted all my library I find a big book with a red leather cover, entitled DEMONS in big black letters, I start reading quickly through the chapters

"Birth of a demon.... no"

"Powers of a demon.... no"

"Body of demons.... no"

"Demons and animals.... maybe later"

"Different demons species... no"

Oh for Azar's sake where is it?

"Best diet for a demon... no"

"How to impress a demon.... no"

Chan-"ehi go back I wanna read that"

I jerked up with a gasp

"Weren't you asleep?!"

Chan-"nah, I woke up a couple minutes ago, and I saw you at the end of the bed muttering strange things about demons, so I decided to see what you were doing and I gotta say, that book looks interesting"

He grinned after he said that and I lightly blushed at his comment

Chan-"so... book aside Rae, are you alright?"

"Yeah actually, I really do feel as if self loath has left my mind"

He smiled a warm smile and nodded

Chan-"well I guess I'll be going then"

"Do you have to?" I asked, trying so hard not to sound interested

Chan-"well I gotta go take a shower, change and get breakfast, but don't worry Rae, I won't leave you alone... ever" he said with a reassuring smile

I nodded and watched him leave before turning to my book.

"Demons mates... yes!"

I looked around just to be sure that Gar had left, it would have been awkward to read this with him around.

"A suitable mate for a female demon must respect a few aspects_

1) the mate must have fangs capable of piercing, and consecutively marking skin

2) the mate must be strong enough to provide protection

3) the mate must be sexually active

4) the mate must have a calming effect on the demons emotion

WOW.... I only know one person that fits all of the criteria... well all that I know of... Garfield Mark Logan, he is my mate, holy shit, I think I imprinted on Gar.

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