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I sat alongside star on the corner of a rooftop, watching the streets

Star-"boyfriend nightwing?"

"Yeah star?"

Star-"why are you so the mad with friend changeling?"

I knew sooner or later she would have asked this

"I'm not mad at him star, I'm sorry for what he had to endure in his life, but, I'm just not sure he's a hero anymore"

Star-"why would you say that?"

"He has killed people star, and even if I can understand why he did... he still did"

Star-"but, he's our friend, is he not?"

"I'm not sure anymore star... he doesn't seem to trust us, he only cares about raven, he would kill us to save her life.."

Star-"he and raven are the lovers, friend raven told me that their bond is stronger then ours even"

"It's just, for all the time I've known changeling I classified him as a prankster, a kid-"

Star-"but you said the team was made to do the keeping under the control"

"Yes star, but at first, I didn't even think it was necessary, only after a couple of years with him I recognized how dangerous he could be, after the beast accident, I even considered to cage him, but I came to the conclusion that he was no animal"

Star-"that is the good, so what's wrong now?"

"Now we discovered that he stayed with joker for a year, and survived"

Star-"but boyfriend nightwing, have you not seen his face?"

"That's the point star, he now has the same face as the joker, he looks like that damn clown"

Star-"this does not mean he has to become the evil as the clown"

"No... but if I was unsure if he was an animal before, now I'm not sure if he's a monster..."

Star-"aren't you doing the overreacting?"

"You can't understand star, I fought the joker for years, the thought of having a knock off inside my home makes me wanna throw up"

She nodded and brought her hand to my thigh comfortingly rubbing it

Star-"do not the worry, friend raven will find the curing light that comes out of her hands"

I chuckled

"It's called spell star".

Back at the tower (continued POV)

I entered the room holding hands with star, and I have to admit, I was genuinely happy when I saw changeling in his human form playing games with Cy with raven on his lap

"Hey there guys" I greeted

Rae-"hey nightwing"

Cy-"hi night"


He scooped raven aside and got up, of course when he faced me, all the happiness faded into oblivion, it looked as if the joker was in my home, that dreadful, forced and unnatural smile...ugh


I mentally whimpered when I saw his smile fade into an angry, disgusted look

"It's that bad uh?" I tried to joke, but of course I made it worse

Night-"quit joking around and get the fuck out of my sight!" He spat harshly

I nodded and slowly walked out of the room, directed to my own.

I should have known better then to make a joke, I look like the joker and what do I do? I make a joke! God I'm such an idiot

I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling, as I expected Rae came in my room not much later


"Don't worry, I'm fine"

Rae-"I'm an empath"

"Can you not be an empath for a while? So I can lie to you, just for once?"

She giggled, oh that laugh, how I've longed for it, how I've missed it

"You think the scar is that bad?"

Rae-"it is bad, but I'll fix it"

"I know you will Rae, it's just, I don't want to feel nightwing's hate until you do"

Rae-"I think you should try to avoid him until I heal your face"

"How bad it is from 0 to 10?"

Rae-"I'd say... 8.5, why so interested?"

"I wanted to ask you something, but I'm loosing my hopes"


"Oh I wanted you to kiss me, but I realize that I must be revolting an-umph-"

Her sweet soft lips forced me so shut up, as we kissed lovingly, I grabbed her waist bringing her closer... we just laid there, kissing, and in that moment, I didn't even remember my injuries existed.

Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to make you understand nightwing's perception of things, but don't worry, I'll heal changeling soon, for all those who love this story I have great news, according to my calculations, we are not even half way through the story!! So stay tuned

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