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Titans tower prison

Time itself seemed to stop as the two punishers of Jump City stared down at their newly acquired prison mate, or better yet... prey..

The green changeling lightly tapped on the reinforced glass of his cell with his claws somewhat rhythmically, while the sorceress stared emotionless from within her hood; deathstroke was understandably anxious, though he was doing his best to conceal it

Rae-"I can sense your emotions... you're... not afraid?"

Slade-"oh I am. I'm locked without my weapons or tech at mere feet away from two of the most deadly people in this city"

Chan-"than how come you sound so calm?"
There was almost a growl in the shapeshifter's voice, pure irritation was clearly transpiring from his eyes and body language, his claws even grew longer

Slade-"that is because you may be new to this but I am not, child. I've seen death before"

The witch let out a slight chuckle

Rae-"ohh Slade... we've seen it too I assure you..."

Chan-"one far more painful that you could ever even imagine"

There were a couple of moments of awkward silence, the worst kind anyone could think of, broken by deathstroke, when with a deep sigh he sat on the floor on a meditative position

Slade-"yeah, I know you did"

Meanwhile: Titans tower common room

The tension in the room was palpable, no, it could have been cut with a dull batarang, everyone present had something on their mind but nobody was really ready to say it out loud, but as the two justice league members were talking among each other someone had to start somewhere

Night-"was it wise to leave him with raven and changeling?"

He broke the silence, and although it wasn't THE thing everyone was wondering and thinking about, it was still something worth discussing

Bat-"he isn't With them, he's in another cell."

Night-"world's greatest detective everyone!"

At his sarcastic comment Batman eyed him and was ready to make his way in front of his son before cyborg jumped in

Cy-"what nightwing was saying, sir, is that they're still fairly close to him is all"

Sup-"we're hoping that seeing him in a cell is going to give them some peace of mind"

Night-"in a cell just like they are? I'm pretty sure that's not the effect we're getting"

Bat-"deathstroke will be moved to Gotham city tomorrow. Until then this tower's prison is the only one sufficiently secure to hold him. Understood?"

Star-"what if our friends escape?"

Bee-"we've designed these cell to hold high class villains Starfire, cinderbkock couldn't get out of them"

Bat-"which is exactly why we're monitoring them 24/7 we're not sure they Can in fact hold them"

Sup-"and it is also why I've decided to stay here until deathstroke's transport is successful"

Night-"very well.."

The matter seemed to be cleared, and so fell again another awkward silence as the dark knight and the man of steel discussed the details of the prisoner transfer, but the tension was still very much palpable, with Starfire rubbing her arm and cyborg biting his own lip, comforted by bee; and so nightwing stepped up again

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