A special place

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God it felt good... her sweet sweet hands caressing my fur, I wanted it to last forever... but I have an idea, it might cause me to be thrown out the window but I'm ready to take the chance... I got it! I'll do a little test, if I survive the test the next step is going to be easy.

So i got up on my for little legs and crawled onto Raven's shoulder
"B.B. what are you doing?"
I started licking her cheeks, slowly as I expected to be punched or fall in a black hole or something... but she instead started to chuckle lightly
"B.B., Gar, stop! It tickles" I was so happy, I meowed and fell onto her lap, I got up on my hind legs, using her chest as a support.

Thank god I was in kitten form so she couldn't realize I was basically groping her, useless to say that her chest was... amazing.

I slowly got closer and purred so she got a bit closer, and I licked her lips, twice then jumped off of her.

She seemed pleased and chuckled a bit more before patting my head and walking to her room.

"Yes!!!! Test complete, now for phase two".

OH MY GOD!! HE KISSED ME! I mean... yeah he was a cat but he kissed me right? Oh god maybe he likes me... nah I'm crazy... why would he like me? I'm a demon, I'm creepy and I'm ugly. The beast must have mistaken Gar's feelings.

As soon as I got to my room I started meditating, hoping to calm down every emotion I was feeling.

I got ten minutes then I heard a knock on the door
"It's Beastboy"
"Come on in" I said in my monotone
"Ehi Rae, ehm you know... I was wondering... if you had nothing too important to do right now... if maybe... icouldtakeyousomewhere?"
He ran through the last words as fast as the wind
"W-what did you say?"
"Ehm... would you want to go somewhere with me?"
"Yes, why not? Where to?"
"Lets say you should wear your bathing suit"
"You know I hate the beach Gar.."
"Oh no no we're going somewhere else... just... trust me"
"Meet you at the beach in 30 minutes, don't be late" I said in my monotone still not 100% convinced, but his smile was too irresistible so I closed the door to get changed.

omg I'm so happy
"You and me both"
"Stay out of this"
"She's ours... which means mine as well"
"Just... stay calm and leave me in control ok?"
The beast growled before nodding... I don't have time for it now I must get ready.

My bathing suit was simple, a top and bottom in the same style of my leotard, I got to the beach wrapped in my cloak, and there, as expected was Garfield sat on the sand.

"You're early you know"
"Yeah but I wanted to be Rae"
"So... where is it that you're taking me?"
"Do you trust me Rae?" He said staring at the sea
"Wh-what?" I was confused
"Do you trust me?" He repeated
"Y-yes Gar" I blurted
"Ok then, I'm going to take you in... a special place, but it's a bit far... just hold on to me all right?"
"What do you mean?"
He took my hands and wrapped them around his neck, I blushed hard and was about to question him when he jumped into the water, morphing into a dolphin.

"Hold on Rae!" He yelled in between splashes.
I held on tight at his back fin and... I have to admit it, it was amazing!
"Yohoooo" I screamed in the air as I haven't had that much fun in probably my whole life.

After probably a good half an hour we came in proximity of a small island, probably not more then 500m wide
"That's the place Rae" I heard him yell from beneath the waves, as we reached the beach he morphed back and lied down on the sand, probably exhausted
"Gar... you know I can fly, right?"
"And where's the fun in that?"
I couldn't help but giggle at his response, he looked up at me with a smile "What?" I ask in fake annoyance
"It's just that you're laugh is... beautiful, you should laugh more often"
I blushed but decided to reply anyway "it's not easy when the only one around making jokes is you" I smirked and he broke into laughter.

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