Common pain

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I knew what Robin meant when he said :get help Beastboy: but how could I?!, the beast is unpredictable and for what I know could just get angry and decapitate the psychologist.

"Huff" I sighed sitting on the floor and rubbing my temples for concentration
"What do I do? What do I do?"
*toc *toc *toc
"Beastboy are you in there?... I would like to talk to you"
I heard Raven's voice outside the door and I immediately went to open her
"hey Rae what's up?" I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously
"Beastboy I'm here to help you with your... anger management problem" she said in her monotone
I lost my smile and glared at her "did Robin sent you?"
"No, I came on my own, because we're friends and I just don't wanna see you like this"
I tilted my head to the side and grinned a happy smile at her
"So, are you gonna let me in or what?"
I startled back to myself and stumbled "oh y-yeah yeah sure come in"

I walked in his room, it was messy as always but not in the usual way... his bed was full of claw marks and there were smashed objects on the floor.

"All right, so you wish to talk about it?"
I said in a softer monotone then usual
The look on his face became of horror and fear started leaping through his face, in moments like this I regret my psychic powers.

"Oh I dunno Rae... its, its just hard to explain, I-I wouldn't know what to say"
"Let's try to go back uh? How about you tell me your feelings after... Terra's betrayal?"
He flinched at the question but harshly replied "which one?"
I had a hard time containing a chuckle I admit, but I was able tu pull it off "the one that hurted the most". He sighed "is this necessary?" I nodded waiting for him to speak.

"Well after she first left I was sad, like a lot. But it was when she... she came back and then betrayed us for Slade... and further more I managed to find her in high school but she didn't even remember me or what she did, that bitch treated me like I was nothing, she used me, I was heartbroken and depressed.

But then Adonis came, after I discovered the beast I simply grew mad about my past, every part of it, what made me cry in the past now just pisses me off."
I was about to talk when he cut me off again
"The other morning I went at her school a second time to try talk things out..." I was not aware of this, he probably wanted to keep this to himself, but why? "A-and when I found her she just kicked me away, literally she slapped me and told me to fuck off..." "what a bitch" I mumbled to myself" "one of his friends, a tall guy picked me up with other two guys and threw me outside... then I don't know how or why the next thing I remember is seeing those three guys all bloodied and wounded on the ground. " My eyes widened "w-were they..." "no, I called an ambulance and flew off" he was on the verge of tears, it pained me to see him like this "gar don't worry, we'll get through this, together, I'll help you" at this he collapsed on my lap crying as I caressed his green forest-like hairs in hope of comforting him.

"Now it's my turn"
"W-what? What d-do you m-mean" he looked at me in between sniffles.
I held my wrist and rubbed it, for just thinking about it made soft tears drop down my cheeks
"You told me your story, I'll tell you mine" he sniffled and got up sitting back where he was. I sat down in front of him "back when Malchior showed up, I thought I had finally found someone who was capable of understanding me, someone that loved me" I didn't really wanted to talk about it so I rushed the story as fast as I could "but in the end, he was nothing more then a villain, not different from Slade or control Freak.

H-he used me to get his powers back, and he would have killed me if he had the chance. So gar, trust me when I say that, I know how you feel" I was about to get up, when he hugged me tight, close to him and whispered into my hear "I'm sorry for calling you creepy that time" I broke into tears and he as well.

I hugged him back and we started crying onto each other's shoulder.
So guys... what do you think?
I know I promised you to know the beast but I thought that this hole confession sort of thing had to be done... and come on, aren't they adorable??💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚

Love tamed the beastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang