Waking up

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It has been three days since Gar fell in coma, I had always been by his side, the others came by to bring me tea, food, and most importantly, books.

Just as I was closing one of said books, nightwing entered the room.

Night-"so... any news?"

"No" I said coldly, not wanting to show how desperate I was, I know they'd understand, but I still have my pride

Timid-"and our shyness"

Night-"I brought you the book you asked..."


Night-"these don't seem normal books though, what do they talk about?"

"They're healing spell books"

Night-"what for? I thought you had healed his wounds already"

I jerked up and stepped aside allowing him a clear view of the sleeping changeling, and his face

"Does THAT look healed to you?!" I snapped, this time putting emotion in my voice

He frowned and put his hands up in defense

Night-"sorry raven"

I calmed down and sat back on the chair beside the bed

"That's alright"

Night-"can't you heal him with your blue sparkly magic hands"

(A/N which I believe is the appropriate name for the spell)

I huffed at his incompetence, but in truth I should have expected a question like this

"Healing a wound, or a bruise and healing a scar, are two really different things, when I healed his mouth, I didn't expect a scar to remain, but it's there, more visible then ever, and still haven't found a spell to heal it"

Night-"how is healing a wound, different then healing a scar?"

"Healing a scar depends on various factors, such as the age of the scar, it's location and how deep it is, so far I haven't found a single spell for a very deep, four days old, mouth located scar"

Night-"how many books have you read?"


He made a 'oh shit' face then handed me the book

Night-"how many books left?"

I took the book from him

"Now three"

Night-"don't lose hope then raven"

I nodded and smiled at him, he patted me on the shoulder then left the room.


Holy mother of tofu!!!! This place is infinite!!! I've been walking in the dark for what seems like an eternity!!! And sometimes I even have to run away from those same nightmares, I figured I'm in my mind, maybe some sort of coma, but I still feel the beast inside of me, then maybe I'm really dead and I've been sent to hell? Ugh this is so confusing!!!

'Relax master, we're not dead, we just have to find a way to wake up'

'I'm open to suggestions'

'I might have an idea...'

'Which is?.... beast?..... beast?'

I shrugged and kept walking my way in the dark, until an incredible pain started from within my head, I clutched my head and screamed in agony, it felt like my brain was being taken out of my skull.


I was reading through the new book when the usually constant beep of the machines connected to Gar started going crazy, getting increasingly faster and louder, I shot my book close and shouted for cyborg, then I tried my best to calm down his breathing, stroking his air and whispering sweet nothing into his pointy ears.


After what seemed like an eternity of torment the pain finally stopped, I clumsily got up, I rubbed my temples and groaned

"What the hell?"

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, a tap that occupied all of my shoulder, I slowly turned around and I saw the hulking figure of the beast right in front of me, and I was shitting my pants, up until this point, I had only seen the beast at a safe distance, in the sunny side of my mind, seeing it at two inches away from my face was a totally different story.

"Ehm... hi" I blurted out, my face probably as pale as raven's

"WAKE UP!!" He roared in my face, probably breaking my ears and scaring the living shit out of me in the process.

Then I blacked out.


My tears fell frantically as cyborg double checked every monitor, every IV, every single possible thing that could have made his heart go crazy

Cy-"I...I don't understand, I don't know what's happening, he could be having a nightmare or something"

I yelled at him to check again, because I wasn't gonna let him die like this, then my yell was overcome with a ear piercing scream, a scream though made by a very familiar voice, I turned around and I saw Gar, sat on the bed

Chan-"son of a bitch" he murmured to no one in particular under his heavy breath

"GAR!!!" I yelled lunging at him and bringing him in the tightest of hugs, which he immediately returned

Chan-"Rae..." he cried happily

I backed away a bit and covered his face with kisses, after a while the coughs of cyborg and the others made us back away

But the happiness that had completely overwhelmed me faded as soon as I saw the expression on their faces, they should have been happy, but, but they were everything but!

Cyborg had a sympathetic look but that clearly was forced

Nightwing had a disgusted look, that for once his mask didn't help to hide

Star had a terrified look and tearful eyes

Gar must have caught up and reached to his lips with his hand, he felt the scar and traced its length on his face, he whimpered and started crying, hugging me close to him

"Shhhh, I'll fix this, somehow, I promise"

Chan-"just like my dream"

He whimpered louder, I wanted to say it again, looking into his eyes this time.

But when I looked, his eyes were dark green

Chan-"I shall protect you"

Just like that, his body started to change, he let out a grunt, and seconds later, on the bed was no longer Garfield, but the beast, and the grin of the joker made it even more terrifying

The others prepared for attack, but the only thing the beast did was getting out of bed and settling at my bare feet, like a puppy, a giant green puppy with giant fangs and claws, I stroked his fur making him relax a bit

This could be a problem

I know that having beast scare him to wake him up is silly, but come on, after the joker and all that pain, some silliness and fun were needed, but, worry not, we are barely half way through the story 😉

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