My world, my Gar

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I'm b-b-b-b-b back-back-back
b-b-b-b-b back-back-back (you get a clap if you recognize the song)
Missed me? I surely missed you guys! But, now I'm back in business with a couple news, some good some bad, but I'll make an A/N chapter to tell you those in details, for now let's just go on with our story!


NO WAY HE'S GETTING AWAY WITH THIS! teasing me the way he did and then just running off?!? I don't think so... I must find a way to repay him with his own medicine, but first I have to find him, he's being doing this piss me off and then hide thing for years and I have never been able to find him, it's time for that to change.

I make my way back to the common room because I had a feeling Cy was hiding something I found him with Bee on the sofa, although she seemed... amused and embarassed at the same time, and Cy had a strange grin on his face...

Cy-"oh hi Rae, need anything else ?"

"not really... I was just looking for Garfield"

Cy-"haven't seen him in a while, I thought he was with you"

"he was..."

Cy-"well he's nowhere around here as you can see..."

I was going to walk away but then I noticed he was sweating slightly

"and if you were to see him, you, being the nicest and WISEST big brother of all time, would tell me, right?"

he visibly gulped and then nodded with an anxious smile, he knew something.

just then Bee broke down into laughter, earning a glare from Cy and a puzzled look from me, still laughing she pointed to Cy's big chest compartment and I understood, I forced the compartment open and took out the small green lizard which was inside.

"thank you Cy" he mouthed a sorry to the small lizard which was trying his best to slither out of my grasp, then with the calm I'm famous for I made my way back to my room.

Gar morphed back when I threw him on the bed and he started laughing like there was no tomorrow

Chan-"alright you found me, now what?"

he asked with an amused and challenging tone, I don't think he will fall for it if I start teasing him now

Knowledge-" aren't we overestimating him?"

lust-" and underestimate us?"

Rae-"oh come on, he can't be that stupid, right?"







Rae-" fair point, ok let's try this".

he was still looking at me with that daring look, I decided to start my little revenge and so I slowly closed the door behind me, locking it with my powers, then slowly walking over the bed, crawling on top of Gar, who gulped and tried to mumble a sentence but was stopped when I pressed my lips on his, I quickly deepened the kiss so that he would be, for lack of a better term defenseless, to trick him into thinking he was in command I allowed him to roll over me so he was on top, it of course didn't take long before he started clawing off my leotard once more, luckily I have tons of these.

I let a few moans escape my mouth and I heard his pleasure growl in response, he was mine, right where I wanted him, he soon started kissing down my collar bone in the way he knew I loved, hmmm he's so good at this, I almost feel bad about doing this, but he did the same so...

when he was at my bra he started kissing my breast through the fabric, sensing his full on lust I decided it was the right time to finish my plan, so I grabbed his hairs and pulled him into a fierce kiss, when he closed his eyes I phased through the bed leaving him making out with the bed, I teleported myself in the bathroom of my room, the bed was just next door so I could hear his reaction.

Chan-"...WHAT THE HELL????????"

I waited for him to leave the room before collapsing in laughter, that's what you get Gar.


that little witch, repaying me with my own medicine is so, so...


"oh shut up beast, why aren't you as mad as me?"

"master, you're not mad, you are amused that mate was able to prank us and frankly, I enjoyed you're expression, it was just priceless"

I chuckled too I admit, and it was awesome that Rae had just pranked me, but still, I'll find her and tickle her for hours for this.


I think I've waited in my room long enough, let's see what Gar's up to

when I made my way into the common room I found Gar sleeping on the kitchen table, he probably looked everywhere around the tower to find me, but being him, he thought that still being in my room would be too predictable.

Happy-"he's so cute when he's sleeping!!!!"

Passion-"or when he's awake!!!!!!"

Lust-"or when he's shirtless!!!!!!"

I rolled my eyes at my oh so girlish emotions but I couldn't deny that they were so right!!!!!

slowly I sat next to him and started petting him, right behind his ear, making him purring in his sleep, that went on for a while, but even good things end, this ended when nightwing came through the door shouting that he had a great annuncement, statling Gar and making him fly on the table as a green cat.

"what is this announcement?"

Chan-"and is it really that important?"

Star-"come on boyfriend nightwing, tell them tell them!" she squealed in night's ears

Night-"tomorrow we're gonna throw a great party to celebrate the defeat of the joker and changeling's recovery"

Cy-"are the titans east invited?" asked Cy from the hallway

Night-" yes, all except for Aqualad, he still has to recover from a tremendous fall"

me and Gar laughed quietly at the pathetic excuse fish-face gave his teammates

Chan-"sound great!"

Night-"well then get to work, the tower isn't gonna clean itself!"

a mutual groan echoed through the room but each one of us began working on cleaning the place.

Love tamed the beastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon