A year later

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Why?!?! Why?!?!?! Why hasn't he written anything anymore?!?!?! we've had no news from him, not a letter, not a message, not a call, nothing!!!
Timid-"he probably forgot us"
Self loath-"who wouldn't?"
Those were recently the only voices in my head, happiness, passion and brave were always silent, only knowledge and anger could be heard at times.

I now had 34 total cuts in my arms, 17 each, and I was slowly losing my mind, loath grew stronger in the last weeks, and the only thing that kept her at bay was happiness, wich I only proved on Gar's little island, I go there whenever I can, but recently I could never.

Yesterday we had a huge fight against cinderblock, that luckily this time ended up putting him behind bars, now only small thugs and red X remain to take care of.

Oh and me and Aqualad are a thing now, I went against passion to have something else to distract loath, and as a fact I like his company, he's attractive and kind an-
Passion-"but he IS NOT GAR"
Rae-"Gar forgot us, it's time we do the same" I repeated myself this everyday, through the sobs and the tears, falling from my eyes whenever I thought of him.

*knock* *knock*

"Who, who is it ?" I asked, wiping the tears off my face
Aqua-" oh it's me babe, I just wanted to ask you if you were on for cinema tonight?"
"I... I... y-yes, yes of course, I'll be there soon"
Aqua-"oh honey I meant with the others, here at the tower... just some relax"
"Oh okay, I'll meet you in the common room"
Aqua-"Ok, love ya"
I didn't answer, I never did, I couldn't, I didn't love him, hell I didn't even like him, he was overconfident, egocentric, the only good thing about him was that he was attractive, no more no less, and for someone like me, that's not nearly enough to get me invested in a relationship, in fact I never even started a make out session with him, he tried, a lot but I would always push him off with the excuse of my powers, he didn't like this, but I couldn't care less.

The movie was called crash, and told of how some events could interwove peoples lives in different ways, it was an amazing movie, for what I understood, as I was frequently interrupted by the noises that came from starfire and nightwing making out next to me, nightwing is the new name of robin, who changed his name and looks when he turned 18, as soon as he changed name he also found the courage to declare himself to star, wich of course felt the same.

Aqualad also tried to start a make out but I only allowed him to peck on my lips, anger and frustration emanated from him like a beam, I felt sorry for him but I couldn't help it, cyborg was the only one except me who took interest in the movie, whenever he wasn't on the phone with a so called 'friend' of his, he would leave the room and stay out for a lot.

Cyborg's strange attitude started a couple months ago, and my depression got worse, when I thought about Gar I used to go talk to him, and he would help me, he would tell me things that only he and Gar knew, he would read some of his comics with me, he would play his favorite game with me even, all things that would make me feel better, but since he met this 'friend' he was never home, and never there when I needed him, I feel so alone...

After the movie we all just left for our rooms, I gave Aqua a good night kiss and fell on my bed, where I soon shifted into a dreamless sleep.

I know I know I'm sorry, this was a short useless chapter, but I have enough of BeastBoy's absence, I'm bringing him back soon, then things will get spicy... I got a bunch of things and ideas to cover, in order:
1) BeastBoy's return and the change of name
2) Aqualad is the worst of assholes
3) bunch of other stuff
So forgive me if this chapter suck, I assure you the next one is gonna be good.

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