Need to leave

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They were... hugging, tightly... too tightly.

"I'll kill him" wait what? Beast no!
Before I knew it I was getting up, claws growing and fangs sharpening... I think Rae must have saw me cause she quickly got behind Robin
"What? She goes to bird brain for protection?! That's it!" 'Beast stop!! Please, we can't do this!' "Logan grow up! Bird brain is gonna steal her from us!" 'He's our boss we can't-"
Cy-"Robin come here for a second will ya?"
Rob-"of course"
He walked off, leaving Rae staring at me, I got closer but she backed away and went to help star.

I sat back on the couch, 'see what you did? You scared her!' 'Fear brings respect' 'oh fuck you!' I got out of my thoughts when robin coughed "BeastBoy would you please take a look at this?"
"Oh Yeah sure, what is it?"
"The video of a camera in the area"
I gulped and froze, as cyborg connected his arm to the tv, I could feel sweat streaming down my face, the screen went blue before showing a loading screen... god I was sweating and shaking like metal... what could I do? What should I do?
The video was unbelievably well done, the colors were bright and you could see almost everything, almost because the angle of the video didn't show Raven's body, only me... tearing those guys apart, I felt bad watching it, but I didn't regret it, they hurt Rae. They deserved it.

Looking around I saw Rae and star crying like crazy, Robin was holding on to the wall, breathing heavily, cyborg was covering his mouth with his hand in shock... I'm sorry guys.

When the video finished there were a few moments of silence, before Robin turned around to face me
I kept quiet
Still I kept silent
Rob-"RAVEN!!" He glared at her, I didn't like his tone.

Rob-"raven I thought you offered yourself to help BeastBoy with this!"
Rae-"y-yes b-but-"
Rob-"NO BUTS you failed and three innocent men paid for it!"
Tsk innocent, yeah right
"Rob stop yelling at her... it's not her fault"
Rob-"Yeah you're right... IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU DENIED YOUR PROBLEM AND YOU KILLED PEOPLE!! I knew you needed professional help... not the voodoo of a demon-" I stood up and took him up from the neck... no one can call her that. "Take. That. Back!" I scowled, Star and Cy were in fighting stances behind me, but Rae... she was ashamed of me... scared of me... no! No! I let robin go and before he could do anything I fell to my knees and start to cry "I'm s-sorry robin" he told the others to stand down and sat me back on the couch.

Rob-"Titans... lets all calm down and analyze the situation... problem, cause, solution. And Raven... I'm sorry" we all nodded and took a deep breath.

Rob-"alright, B.B.... I know you're not a criminal, those men must have triggered the beast, what happened?"
"Yes... they deserved it... but I can't say what happened, I promised."

What? He wasn't going to say anything? Just because I made him promise not to? He cares for me this much??
Self loath-"and now he's going to prison because of us" NO!! it can't be!!
Cy-"Robin the police identified the three guys, they were a very well known group of rapists and murderers"
Rob-"I see... B.B. did you kill them to help someone?"
He nodded, Robin nodded back then looked at us "Titans, come with me to the other room."
We went to the other room with him.
Rob-"alright Titans... what do we do now? My guess, we have three options,
1, we take B.B. in jail
2, we use all the power we have to make everyone forget about this accident, but everyone will consider him a monster.

3, we make B.B. leave for enough time so that everyone forgets about this, and sees that perhaps B.B. is still a hero"
Cy-" I say... 3... B.B. needs time to process this, even more then we do"
Star-"I too wish for friend BeastBoy to be remembered as the hero so I vote..3"
Rob-"I couldn't agree more... then 3 it-"
"Are you all out of your mind?!?! Gar is our friend, he's a part of our team, we can't kick him out at the first mistake!" I yelled, tears once again forming in my eyes
Rob-"nobody is kicking him out Raven, we're talking of a month, he will come back, we wouldn't be the same without him an-"
B.B.-"exactly... and that's why I'll need more time"
We all turned around to see BeastBoy standing at the end of the hallway
"What? M-more? No!"
B.B.-"I'm sorry guys, I know I can't stay here as long as I have a precarious if not absent control of the beast, I'll go on a journey, to find peace with the animal inside me... and it will take time... more time" I ran to hug him, he hugged back, tears coming down both of our faces.

"I-I d-don't want you to go..."
B.B.-"shhhhh, it's ok Rae, it's ok... I'll keep in touch"
Couple hours later
Robin was discussing with BeastBoy how we were going to turn his murder into an act of justice, which it really was, I was in my room, hugging that stupid giant chicken Gar got me.

After a while I heard a Knock on the door, "who is it?" "It's me, BeastBoy, can I come in?... I wanted to say bye before leaving" I teleported the chicken back in my closet then opened the door
"Bye." I said cold
"Rae... please don't make this harder then how it already is"
"Why?! Why are you leaving us?! Why are you leaving me?! Weren't you supposed to protect me ?!" I said tearing up "Yes, we told tin man to look after you while we're gone, we trust him" "please... don't leave me..." "Rae... I... I have to... but don't worry, I'll love you even more when I come back" what did he just said?
Self loath-"we can't love him, we'd just hurt him" I wanted to shut loath up but... she was right... I'm the reason he committed murder in the first place... he deserves better, when I looked up to Gar, he was getting closer, he walked up to me, our bodies mere centimeters away, and he starts to lean in... I want to... I really want to... but I can't.

"NO" I say and with a shot of dark magic I push him against the wall outside my room... "n-no, Gar... I-I'm so sorry" I walked up to him but he raised a hand, gesturing me to stop
"No Rae... it's fine... I was wrong... that's all... I thought... I don't know what I thought... well... see you when I return" and with that he walked off, headed to the roof.

I failed to show him my emotions and now he was gone... he was gone!!
Self loath-"and we're the reason he left... I think you know what to do now..." I went in my room again and headed to my closet... but not to get the chicken, I grabbed the small box and took out the knife.

"I'm ugly"
"I'm a demon"
"A monster"
"I want love but I push him away"
Self loath-"don't forget your destiny"
"I know..."
"I'm destined to hurt those I love"
"But I'm already doing it"
I fell to my knees... screaming for the pain... the pain caused by the cuts and by myself... I cleaned myself up and cried myself to sleep.

On the roof

Well this is it then... I said bye to my friends... I made myself an idiot with raven... so yeah... time to go...
'You don't have to do this'
'Yes I must, in order to find peace between me and you'
'I can hide in your mind and never come back'
'It's not what I want, I know that you are a part of me... we just got to accept each other'
'But... but raven'
'Rae doesn't love us... how could she?'
'I don't believe it! I smell her love'
'We'll figure it out when we come back, I'll write to her once a week and to Cy once a month to check how she is' with that settled I morphed into a giant green condor, and jumped off the roof, then I flew away, headed east, to start my journey.
Bam! Here comes the second act!
So... how does this seem so far?
I'll give you hints to what's gonna happen
1) robstar
2) you still have to vote (cybee or Cyjinxs)
3) more to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment, vote and be cool

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