Face to face with the beast

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After what felt like hours we separated and cleaned our faces from the tears.

"I-I think I needed that... thanks" I heard him say, but I only replied "we aren't done yet" looks of understanding and also shame formed on his green face "I have to understand how exactly powerful this side of you is, and how to cage it if necessary"
"So... you're gonna go inside my head?"
I nodded, he let out a deep sigh.

"Don't worry, we'll work things out, now lay down and be calm" he hesitated but did as I said.

"Now B.B. relax, I'm gonna take care of this" he nodded, still not sure
"Azarath metrion zinthos" I chanted and quickly found myself... outside of Titans tower... "that's odd, I was expecting a jungle or something more... primal" I went inside to explore it and found it... different, the whole tower was decorated in a scheme of three colors, green, purple and black, I get the green but why would Beastboy's mind be purple and black? Oh well not of my concern... I was looking for that creature.

I couldn't expect to find his emotions as only the demons and those with incredibly strong emotions would have such defined personalities in their minds.

As I headed for B.B.'s room I heard a deep growl coming from it, it must have been the beast, I hurried myself to the door, and HE greeted me there, the giant, werewolf like creature that had once saved my life, was now only inches away, I couldn't help but feel afraid, the beast was just so imposing and menacing... then something unbelievable happened.

After having emitted a loud groan the beast morphed back in Beastboy... kinda, it had more defined fangs and teeth and it was bigger and more muscular, I was in a state of shock, that only got worse when it spoke.

"Why are you here?"
I didn't knew it could talk!
"Y-you can talk?
"When I'm half beast, yes, now...why are you here?"
"I'm here to help Beastboy control you"
I guess he didn't wanted to hear that as he started hitching and growling
"You're here to get rid of me!!!!"
I did my best to stay calm
"No, I'm here to make sure you don't hurt anyone"
"I will hurt those that hurt us!"
"Who's us??"
"Beastboy, me and... you."
"What? Me? Why?"
"Why do you think we saved you?... I'm Beastboy's more primal instincts, I know everything about him, even things he doesn't know yet... like how much he cares for you."
I didn't know what to say, I was blocked as the beast started getting closer, "how much he... likes you, how much he desires you..." he had started caressing my hairs after the last part. "Stop, what the hell you think your doing?!?!?!" I screamed hitting the beast's jawbone with perhaps the strongest fist I had ever gave.

But he just chuckled "ow, I see now... I see it in your eyes... you prove these feelings too don't you??" I stood there in silence, not knowing what to say or what to do, I only knew that he was indeed right, I liked Garfield, a lot and oh do I hate passion for it at times, but he was always there for me, always trying to make me smile always there to make me feel happy, and now I needed to help him with his problem.

"What is it that you want beast?!"
"I want what gar wants but doesn't have to courage to take... I want you."

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