A happy family

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So, as I told you in the last chapter I'm gonna do ravens pregnancy and delivery all in this chapter so that I can get in some more inspiring ideas... though I hope it will still turn out a good chapter


Already a month had passed since we got the actual positive pregnancy test, and my belly had already grown three sizes, I'm a fat mess!

Knowledge-"calm down raven, the growth of your abdomen is very natural, and we can't keep smashing changeling out the tower whenever this pregnancy makes us mad, the baby is going to need a father after all"

Anger-"not necessarily..."

Lust-"but, the belly is gonna be small again right? Right? Right?!"

Knowledge-"yes lust don't worry about it, everything is gonna be fine"

I tried to focus more on the book I was reading, my emotions plus the pregnancy really did a number for my headache.

One of the best and worst things of this pregnancy is that I'm not allowed on missions and thus I get the whole tower for myself, but on the other end, this really stresses me, I'm super worried for Garfield, it took me fifteen minutes to heal him yesterday because cinderblock escaped custody, ugh! Does putting someone in prison ever work?!?!

The swooshing sounds of the common room's doors took my attention immediately away from the book and to my friends and lover, who for once looked normal and not wounded
Changeling ran beside me on the couch and kissed me briefly before sitting on the floor next to me, so I could play with his hairs while he rested

"Everything ok out there?"

Chan-"oh yeah, luckily for us today there was no big villain"

Cy-"oh and doctor light wishes you the best"

"You gotta be kidding me" I chuckled

Night-"oh no, he said so himself when we captured him"

Star-"doctor light seems to have most respect for you friend raven"

Chan-"more like terror, but respect sounds good enough"

We laughed together and made jokes and in general had fun for the rest of the evening until it was dinner time, by that time I was preparing dinner with star and Cy, Really star and I offered to make dinner but Cy was scared and insisted to do it with us

Cy-"So... how long before the baby's born Rae?"

"I don't know Cy but I think another two to three months, demons's pregnancy is quite fast"

Star-"that is most wonderful raven!"

"Oh I don't know star, I'm scared..."

Cy-"well you have every right to be sister, it's gonna hurt, but you'll pull it off, and then you and grass stain are going to be the happiest of families I guarantee ya"

"I really hope you're right.."

Cy-"I bet ya a full dinner I'm right"

Star-"friend cyborg what am I supposed to do after the meat is on the fire?"


Star-"oh... that's why it's never on fire when you friends make it"

I chucked and called for some pizza, for tonight it will do.

Three months later (still Raven POV)

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