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I woke up early today for my daily meditation on the roof, nightmares are lately more intense and frightening, I keep seeing a devastated world with the bodies of my friends dead on the ground and behind it all, my father with Malchior on his side and they're telling me "join us" or "your nothing"
I'm struggling to keep fear and timid at bay but its not easy and so far I haven't had any luck.

But I think I meditated enough for now.

As my feet touched the roof I heard a strong voice coming from someone's mind inside "I'll kill her for what she did to us" the voice was raspy and sounded serious and cruel, among that there were the others Titans thoughts and those ranged from afraid to hoping.

I hurried my way inside and found cyborg and B.B. arguing with robin

Rob-"what was all that about Beastboy?! Did you turn into that thing again?!" He yelled glaring at him
B.B.-"no dude relax I just got a little... little angry that's all"
Rob-"an angry guy doesn't destroy a room it usually stays locked in his."
B.B.-"well I'm no ordinary guy am I? Perhaps I should be contained shouldn't I?!?! Perhaps I should be sent back to S.T.A.R. Labs shouldn't I?!?!?! Because I'm nothing more than an animal eh?!?!? C'mon is that it?!?! You think I'm an animal?!?!?"
Every Titan in the room was silent now, including Raven, who was in the corner of the room.

After a few seconds of silence Robin friendly placed his hand on Beastboy shoulder and calmly said
Rob-"sorry B.B. I didn't mean it, but maybe you could consider getting help, your not exactly acting like yourself lately"
B.B. smiled and nodded before heading back to his room
Cy-"you sure of this rob? I mean who's gonna help Beastboy? A normal psychologist will problably just freak out"
Rob-"I know but I'll be able to cont-
Rae-"I will"
They both turned around and stared at her in disbelief
Cy-"oh nothing it's just... you?? Helping B.B.???"
Rae-"oh now you're being ridiculous, me and B.B. might not always agree on things but he is my friend."
Rob-"she's right... well good luck with that raven, your gonna have to put the beast under tight locks"
Raven nodded and started going for B.B.'s room.
Cy-"dude... did she just called him B.B.?? She never does that"
Rob-"I think she is under a lot of stress too, perhaps this time with each other is going to do even more good then expected".
'Sup guys, here you go, one more chapter, this one is a little bit shorter then the last one but I'm holding back for the next, in which we are going to know the beast a bit better, hope you like the story.
Comment an leave stars!!!

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