Chapter 40- sensitive

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Celeste POV:


The sound echoes through the cold air.

I hit the highest target board.

" Not so bad after all hey?" I smirk.

It had been a few days since we had to babysit Sandra's kids. Enzo and I had headed to range to train today, like every other day since.

From the corner he whips out a pistol from his behind pocket.
Before even properly aiming, he shoots.
I shudder slightly at the noise, as he hits the same board as me.
He doesn't even wince.
Doesn't even move.

He's completely numb to any sort of violence.

" Not that shit" I grin, trying to catch his attention.
Enzo doesn't answer only peers back down at the dagger he's aggressively polishing.

" Earth to Lorenzo" I call over to where he's stood.
Finally he turns his head to face me, a flash of irritation flickering through his eyes.
" Yeah, what?"

What the fuck is his problem?

" What do you mean what?"
He huffs, slamming the dagger down on the table beside him.
" I mean what. For fucks sake Cel what do want me to say?"

I roll my eyes, throwing my pistol down so it skids across the floor.

"normally you'd be dancing in the air about my improvement? why are you so bloody moody?"

Enzo bites down on his cheek.Exactly what he does when he's restraining from saying something.

"Nothing is my fucking problem"


" Well why are you so... quiet?" I reply

" I'm not quiet!" he yells a bit louder.

"and why do you even care? Fucking hell Celeste your so sensitive." he sighs, striding off over to the target boards.
He shoots, hitting the highest and smallest board as always.

he begins walking to the door.

" Oh yeah just ignore me."
I watch as he rolls his eyes, not even giving me the slightest bit of attention.
" Your such an asshole" I mutter.
Enzo clenches his jaw as if deciding whether to answer me or not.

" Are you treating me like this because your meeting your father this afternoon. If so that's not a fucking excuse to treat me like shit" I yell, anger starting to course through my veins.
" I get that your scared but don't take it out on me"

He scrunches his nose, starting to run his hands through his tousled hair.
" Scared? Why the fuck would I be scared?" Enzo growls, spitting the words out.

" I don't know, maybe because he's a fucking asshole like you!" I raise my hands in the air taking my gear off and throwing it to the side. "

"Celeste just fuck off, I don't need your shitty interrogation"

Enzo shoots again, completely ignoring me.I watch as veins bulge on the side of his neck, the skin red with anger.

" Why Enzo do you take me out to expensive restaurants, to clubs, buy me fucking ridiculously priced dresses? Why did you save me the night we got attacked on the boat if your just going to hide your fucking feelings?" I hiss.

Finally, I catch his full attention and he turns to fix his eyes onto mine.

" Why? Why did I do all that? Because you're my fiancé. I just want you to be alive." heyanks my wrists to his chest and pulls me towards him.

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