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the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household


"a threat? what kind of threat?" Namjoon asked, a look of concern and worry now crossing his face.

"today i received a text message from an anonymous number. i have no idea who it could possibly be from."

the boy handed his phone to Namjoon and the elder read the message out loud to himself, his expression growing darker as he read it over.

he looked back up at Yoongi and spoke, "are you sure there isn't anyone who could've possibly sent something like this? someone with something against both you and Jimin?"

Yoongi sucked in air through his teeth and placed his hand on his chin.

"i've been thinking for the past hour and i still have no answers. to be honest with you, Jimin and i only just met less than a week ago besides one childhood encounter. that's actually why i wanted to show you this, Jin is good with technology stuff isn't he?"

Namjoon nodded, "yeah he is, his whole career practically revolves around it."

"well i was wondering if he could possibly track the phone number for me? i'm not sure if he has the skills to do that but you guys are really my only hope here. i don't want to get police involved just yet because i'm trying to keep this a secret from Jimin. he will flip out and push me away if he finds out about this."

Namjoon hmm'd and glanced over at his spouse who was currently sucking on his own toes whilst Jimin tried to pull him away.

"i'm honestly not too sure if he'd be capable of doing that but i can surely ask him when he's big of course. he's become really close with Jimin in a short amount of time, just like you, so i'm sure he'd be willing to go the extra mile to protect him."

Yoongi grinned, "thank you so much Namjoon. i know it's a lot to ask of you but you have no idea how much it means to me keeping Jimin safe."

"don't mention it Yoongi! we're buddies now, you can come to us for anything. just forward the message to me and leave the rest to Jinnie." Namjoon returned the smile

the boys continued conversing until wailing could be heard from the living room. the two caregivers hurriedly ran into the room at the sound to find Jin crying on the floor and a teary eyed Jimin beside him.

"what happened here Minnie? why is Jinnie crying?" Yoongi questioned as Namjoon scooped Jin up in his arms and cradled him, attempting to calm the elder down.

Jimin sniffled, "b- baby Jinnie was crawlin round on the f- floor n den all of a sudden he- he start cwyin an Minnie dunno wha do!!"

Namjoon paused for a moment before holding Jin bridal style and standing up.

"I have to change Jinnie, would you mind telling me where your bathroom is?" Namjoon asked while Jin continued wailing and squirming in his arms.

"second door to your right down that hallway." Yoongi pointed and sat down next to Jimin.

Namjoon grabbed his baby bag and the two left the living room.

"daddy wha wrong wif baby Jinnie?" asked Jimin who was rubbing the tears out of his eyes with his small hands.

the boy sighed and combed his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"he's alright prince, he just had to go potty and didn't know how to tell us."

"ohhhs, den can Minnie go potty also?"

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin's randomness and removed his hand from his hair.

"of course you can baby, let's just wait until Jinnie is all done okay?"

"otay dada!"


short chapter but i apologize for disappearing </3 it'll get a lot worse when school starts... just a disclaimer- i'm taking 3 APs this year i'm not religious but pray for me y'all

ps. please check out my new bts little space oneshot book!! feel free to leave a request if you have any, i'm excited to try something new and hope it works out!

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