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fearful; frightened.


"Wow, you live in a penthouse?!"
Yoongi exclaimed as they entered the elevator whilst Jimin groaned at his aching feet after walking for so long (even though he'd only been walking for a few minutes since they parked the motorcycle).

"Ahaha yeah. It's kinda hard to believe this when you see the guy in little space but my bab is actually the CEO of a computer software company? Something like that... I never payed much attention to his work, as bad as that sounds." He giggled softly and rubbed the nape of his neck out of embarrassment.

"Daaaaamn a CEO boyfriend? So you living that rich rich life."

Namjoon laughed as they exited the elevator and walked up to his front door. He beeped a code against a padlock, unlocking the door to his home. The man gingerly led his two new friends inside, letting the door shut slowly behind them.

"Can I get you two something to drink? The walk here was quite long after all so I'm assuming you must be tired." Namjoon offered as he'd picked up on Jimin's tiredness.

"Um we're goo-"

"Minnie wan milkies!!!"

Yoongi face palmed at Jimin's outburst before raising his head and nodding,

"We'll take one milk for Minnie please and thank you." Namjoon grinned warmly at the two.

"It's my pleasure! Is it ok if I let Minnie borrow Jinnie's sippy cup? Don't worry, Jin is very open to sharing."

Yoongi shook his head yes and Namjoon exited the living room.

"Daddy?" Jimin whined as he sprawled out across the comfy sectional sofa.

Yoongi became flustered at the name that he still wasn't quite used to but quickly regained composure.

"Yes prince?"

"Where are we?" He asked, his head slightly cocked and eyes wide.

Yoongi just sighed and started tickling Jimin's sides to distract the younger. Just as he finally gave in to Jimin's squealing and yelling for him to stop, Namjoon entered the room holding warm milk in a pink hello kitty sippy cup.

"Looks like you two had fun while I was gone."

Yoongi blushed and took the milk from Namjoon, carefully handing it over to a very thirsty Jimin.

"Wait I just remembered why we're actually here! Let me see if I can fix up your bear for ya Minnie. What's his name again?"

"His name ish Chimmy!" Jimin shouted happily while milk dribbled down the corner of his lips. Yoongi instinctively had the urge to wipe it off with his sleeve, so he did just that.

"Inside voice, Minnie." He reminded in a soft but stern tone as he cleaned off the last of the milk's remanence.

"You sure this is your first day of daddying? You look like a pro!" Namjoon said, retrieving his sewing kit from under the black wooden cabinet.

"I don't know... it just feels so natural. Maybe I did make the right decision to take this on."

"Not 'maybe', of course you did! Now while I finish up with Chimmy, shall I bring Jinnie out here to play?"

"Minnie wan meet Jinnie pwease!! Pretty pwease! Wif a cherry on top!" Yoongi cooed at Jimin's choice of words while Namjoon was already on his feet to go find his own little companion.


Thoughts? Sorry for typos. Also... so this happened :) edit: if you're reading this in May 2020 and you were going to Metlife as well, let's cry together

 so this happened :) edit: if you're reading this in May 2020 and you were going to Metlife as well, let's cry together

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