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the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction.


Jimin felt embarrassed and weak. But for some reason, he allowed himself to be like this at the moment. He didn't know what it was about this boy that just seemed so... different. Other than the fact that he just potentially saved his life, of course.

Jimin had finally recollected himself and was able to formulate a sentence.

"W- where did you c- come from? W- w- why are y- you here?" The small black haired boy helped Jimin up.

"I was walking to the convenience store down the road and I heard your cries for help. So I ran to the store and bought a bat and some other supplies. I was originally going there to buy my momma some vitamins. She's sick so I had to go for her." Yoongi explained as he pulled out a little white box from his backpack.

"B-but where'dth you get the medical tranquilizer from? I'm pretty thure they wouldn't sell that to usth." Jimin asked and Yoongi hummed in response. "Yeah, I stole it. But It's ok! I'll give them their money... eventually."

Jimin couldn't even protest, he was in no place to do so. He simply nodded as the heroic boy continued to bandage his wounds. He had zero right to judge anything this boy said or did. He owed Yoongi a lot.

"May I ask what your name is?" Yoongi asked as he bent down, "You can get on my back, I'll carry you home."

Jimin had been wearing Yoongi's oversized shirt that fit like a dress on him.

Jimin reluctantly hopped onto Yoongi's back. "My name isth Park Jimin. And, thank you stho much for sthaving me. I don't think a thank you is enough, though. How can I repay you?"

Yoongi stopped walking for a moment to look back at Jimin. "You don't need to be rewarded for doing what's right. But you do need to get punished for doing what's wrong. So I'll have my mom call the police to check out that house if I can. For your sake I'll get you home first. Say, how did you even end up in there?"

"U- um I- I... I ah... my ball! Yeah, my bounthy ball rolled into his yard and when I went to get it, he asthed me if I wanted some lemonade. I wasth dumb and followed him in. Then he told me to wait in histh room while he got it. I should've left asth soon asth he approached me. Sthoon, he locked me in there and tied me down. He wasth doing... nasty stuff to me for about an hour u- until you showed up. To be honesth Yoongi, I don't think I'll ever recover from what he did to me. My body... it's worthless, isn't it. It doesn't even feel like my own... feels invaded."

Yoongi felt his heart strings being tugged at. He wasn't a child who was typically this... mature? caring? soft? But in this case it felt like his only option was to be that way with the fragile boy whom he'd saved.

"Hey. Never say that about yourself. Every human is beautiful, and you are worth so much to so many people! To me you're worth lots." Jimin felt a bit taken aback by Yoongi's words. Even if he was a random pre teen stranger, Jimin listened to his words with intent and was thankful that someone thought so highly of him. Well, not him specifically but it still counted.

"Thank you Yoongi. It meanth a lot. The sthmall brown one over there is my house." Jimin said as he pointed to the trashy looking abode.

The two continued the journey in silence until they finally reached the house. "Thanks again stho, stho much. You sthaved my life! Even though I don't think I'll ever be able to be the sthame anymore, I will always remember you asth my hero!"

Yoongi scratched his head shyly as he felt a light blush crossing his face. "Ah, stop thanking me. Anyone would've done the same... anyways goodnight Jimin. It was nice meeting you. And hopefully we can meet again someday!"

Yoongi gave the young stranger a hug before waving and walking off, his huge backpack swung over his bare shoulder. Jimin thought the boy was just so mysterious. Something about him just seemed so... badass. Of course Jimin didn't think those exact words but, you get the point.

Eventually Yoongi was no longer in sight. And Jimin stood there on his porch, watching his body grow smaller and smaller as he disappeared into the darkness of night. Partially because he was avoiding going inside the nightmare of a house that awaited him.

He couldn't show up at his friend Leyi's house at this hour and there really wasn't any other option. How would he explain to his father that he didn't get the beer and still showed up? He knew his father wouldn't give a heck about the scars and bruises that painted Jimin's once nearly pure body. His previous healed scars came from none other then his father.

Jimin finally mustered up some courage. For Chim he thought to himself as he meekly pried open the door which let out a long, dramatic creek.

"H- hello?"

Jimin felt more nervous than ever. All he could do was hope that his parents were asleep so he could avoid getting a beating tonight. He needed at least a good night sleep to somewhat recharge and prepare for the inevitably tearful day that tomorrow would bring.

"Jimin? Is that you, sweetheart?"

The young boy became overthrown with joy as he jumped into his mothers arms and was immediately comforted. At that moment, Jimin somehow had felt like the luckiest boy alive.


I say too much in these little end paragraphs
(。◕‿◕。) my ideas for this book drastically changed so please don't mind the weirdness of it. I eventually find out where it's going- kinda- even tho i left for like a year- damnit i hate myself

He's a Little // Yoonminحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن