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attractive in a pretty or endearing way.

triggering topics at ⚠️⚠️⚠️


"Now that you're in your usual headspace, mind explaining things in a bit more detail for me? To be completely honest, little you just kept crying at everything I said. Not that there's a problem with that, crying is good... I guess. I should just stop talking now..."

Jimin chuckled at Yoongi's nervousness but quickly stopped when his own nerves caught up to him.

"Well, as you've clearly seen, I am a little... or at least I think so. If 'little me' didn't explain it well enough, I've done some research on it. I am not really 100% sure about all this since it's all new to me and I myself am only recently finding out about it too. I'm almost as lost as you probably are."

Yoongi nodded and stroked the back of Jimin's small, soft hand in a circular motion to calm the younger. On the contrary, this only made Jimin's heart rate double and his ears turned a bright shade of tomato red.

"A- anyways, little space is a headspace that people go into for various different reasons. For example, I believe I may go into little space because of my lack of childhood maybe? Or could be from some... past trauma. Obviously I can't really control it but there are definitely triggers. For example when you called me s- sugar earlier... i felt it coming on then."

Yoongi nodded his head and was listening intently but remained silent, allowing Jimin to continue on.

"If you want to know more about it you can try google or ask some other littles because that's all I've got. It's really scary y'know... this whole thing. I don't know why it's suddenly happening to me. I tried to convince myself that this wasn't the case... that this was all in my head. But it's just not. I don't know when I'll get used to this but I'm trying... I really am, Yoongi. I- I swear."

A tear escaped Jimin's eye. It rolled down his cheek and over his plump lips... the boy hated the familiar salty taste of his own tears and how sensitive he was. He felt like a porcelain doll that could break at any given moment with the slightest push.

Yoongi scooted over and wiped away Jimin's tear with his thumb.

"It's ok Jiminie. There's no rush to figure it out, but we're in it together... you're just as innocent and frail as when you were younger- ow!"

Yoongi retracted his hand as Jimin had abruptly slapped it rather harshly.

"What the hell was that for?!" he exclaimed, clearly taking offense to the action.

Yoongi may of had a very soft spot for the younger, but he was still the same introverted and short tempered boy that Jimin saw on first day of school. He still couldn't even censor himself after being slapped like that.


"I- I'm so sorry Yoongi! I'm just really sensitive and I hate that it- it defines me! What? Because I was kidnapped and raped I'm supposed to be all weak and frail and fragile?! What's worse is that I just let it happen, hence why you had to save me again and we're in this position to begin with!"

Jimin breathed heavily, his head now in his hands as Yoongi stared at the younger with glossy eyes.

"I'm so so sorry Jimin. I was really fucking insensitive just now. That was so totally wrong of me to say. To tell you the truth, I didn't just become some brave child hero out of nowhere. It's because of experience. My little sister used to get... abused. She got abused, badly, and I didn't. All I could do was sit and watch or fight. I was all she had Jimin, all she had!"

The two didn't expect the conversation to become so emotional, but they let it continue. Jimin fought back tears as Yoongi continued to reveal his past with tears now streaming down his own cheeks as well. Jimin held the elder's face in his hands, gently swiping away his tears.

"If I called the police I'd probably die. But I'd die for my sister any day, so I often came close to meeting the reaper. We're both tough Jimin, but it's ok to be afraid or want protection and reassurance. I never had that, don't want it, don't need it. You do. So just-"

"Please just kiss me Yoongi."


I felt in the mood to write, SUPRISE!! A full length to make up for that mini chapter. Currently listening to: Wish I loved you better - Holland <3 sorry for typos, love you all. Edit: this is so damn cringe ?please forgive me it gets better I promise

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