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sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.


"Y-Yoongi! Help! Can't- not- cannot. Cannot breathe! I- It hurts- help! P- please!"

On the other side of the line, Yoongi had stopped at a nearby supermarket and had been on line about to pay. The elder almost instinctively dropped the shopping basket he'd been holding and held his phone close to his ear as he sped down the sidewalk.

"Calm down Jimin. Stay with me here. I'm on my way. Just breathe in and out, slowly." Yoongi heard the boy breathing heavily through the phone and flung himself across the street towards Jimin's aunts house.

Thankfully, Jimin being as anxious as he was earlier, had forgotten to lock the door. Yoongi burst in and stopped. When he heard heavy breathing and sobs from down the hall, he sped in the direction of the sound. Normally he would question why he was so concerned. But when someone's health is in your hands, wouldn't anyone be just as urgent?

Yoongi spotted Jimin in the corner of the room and he cautiously walked over to the boy as to not startle him.

"Jimin? Look here, Jimin." Yoongi held Jimin's face and positioned it to face his own. "Focus on your breathing, breathe. You can do this, it'll be ok." Jimin breathed shakily and rapidly. It was far from a normal rate, but it was an improvement.

"Good, good job. I'm proud of you. Now count with me. Let's do it together, ok? Slowly, starting from 100 and going down." Jimin just nodded his head as he still felt unable to speak properly and didn't trust his voice.

"100... 99... 98... 97... 96... 95... 94... 93... 92... 92... 91... 90." the two counted down in unison.

Yoongi stopped counting with Jimin when the younger seemed to be breathing steadily and had evidently calmed down. "Are you ok? Do you need something?" Jimin looked around and looked back at Yoongi.

"Um.. I'm ok. Thank you so much. How- how'd you know what to do?" Jimin got up and sat pretzel style.

"My little sister often has panic attacks so I guess you can say I've become experienced." Jimin nodded,

"What about that counting thing? I have panic attacks extremely rarely and my mom used to help me. She never used such an effective method before though!" Yoongi shrugged,

"Again, just something I do with my sister." Jimin hmm'd. Yoongi was about to stand up until he noticed something. A small, blue, bloody blade. He looked at Jimin and realized his pants had been rolled up.

"Jimin, did you do something bad to yourself?" Jimin looked down at the blanket covering his thighs.

"Well, there's no point in lying I guess. Don't be scared or call 911 when you see. Please just... stay calm. That's the best thing you can do for me." Yoongi nodded nervously and Jimin moved the duckie blanket off of his lap.

Yoongi's mouth went dry and he could've sworn his heart stopped, "You- you cut yourself?! Jimin, these look deep! I should run to the store and get a medical kit! Oh gosh Jimin where are your parents?!"

Jimin was flustered after being bombarded with questions but he tried to regain his composure. What kind of reaction had he been expecting? "Yes, I cut myself. Well technically this is my first time. You don't have to get a medical kit, I'm fine. And this is actually my aunt's house, she's at work. I think I answered all your questions."

Yoongi stood up and grabbed his phone, "I'm gonna buy a kit. These cuts are bad and they'll get infected if we don't disinfect them. Where did this bust on your lip come from? I need to clean that too."

Jimin blushed and looked away like a shy school girl, "I got it when I fell over during the attack. It really hurts but I couldn't have controlled that. I'm really sorry about all this Yoongi. Sookmin's right, I'm just a nuisance to everyone."

Yoongi immediately shook his head no, "Jimin, don't listen to a word he says. His brain's filled with helium and it shows in his annoying ass Alvin and the chipmunks voice. Don't pay him or anyone who puts you down any mind. Just focus on you. And I'm perfectly capable of helping, so I will. I'll be right back. Also, take your pants off please, I need to clean the cuts. Don't feel weird about it."

Jimin nodded and reluctantly pulled his pants down as Yoongi exited the room.

About 10 minutes later, Yoongi arrived with a medical kit and a few other things for Jimin.

"Ok, let me see now."  Yoongi knelt down and looked at Jimin's scarred thighs. It saddened him, but of course he couldn't let Jimin know that for his own personal reasons.

Jimin winced in pain when the elder dapped a cotton ball coated in rubbing alcohol over one of his thighs. It was a little awkward, what with another (extremely attractive) guy cleaning the wounds on his thigh. Things seemed to be moving very quickly between the two's developing relationship.

"All done. Now for your lips. Ah, here we are." Yoongi took out a disinfecting ointment from the kit and squeezed a small amount of it on the tip of his finger.

He slowly grazed it over the younger boy's lips, who was extremely red and felt his heart suddenly back at it's tripled rate.

It was silent, the two's heartbeats being the only sound filling the room. Yoongi continued to apply the ointment, staring into Jimin's deep hazel eyes the whole time. The two were both acting as if they were in some awkward high school romance drama. Although it didn't feel like an appropriate time, they both felt the heavy sexual tension in the air, and Jimin wasn't going to ignore it. He was loosing control a lot today and it didn't end just yet.

Yoongi's eyes widened when he felt a soft, tingling sensation on his lips.


Hope y'all enjoyed. I'm so tired rn, as per usual. This chapter wasn't planned at all. I kinda just went with the flow and I can't be bothered to type much more. Sorry for typos. Pls vote and goodnight dearies <33 sorry for leaving y'all on a Yoonmin kiss without the turn out :,)

He's a Little // YoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang