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Again, no definition for this. It's a straight (gay) continuation of the last chapter. I originally planned for this chapter to involve a very brief explanation of Jimin's past to Yoongi but I quickly realized that this really needed a full chapter. I will say this is an extremely important chapter!! If you skip this, feel free to ask questions about future events that may not make sense because of that.

Ps. 2000 reads??!!!! Whaaaaat??! I LOVE YOU AMIIIII <333 sending a warm hug to all of you lovely people that support my book!! You have no idea how much you mean to me! You're what keeps me going and motivates me to keep writing no matter what.


"How was I daddy?" Jimin asked, staring up at Yoongi who's eyes were currently rolled back into his head as he rode out his high in pure ecstasy.

Once finally calm, he looked down at Jimin and grinned goofily at the surprisingly talented boy. He was so innocent looking, but that tongue of his was truly naughty. Yoongi was thankful that he would be the first and only lucky person to experience it's heavenly yet sinful works.

"You were fucking prefect love, come here."
Yoongi said as he plopped onto Jimin's after bed  after pulling up his underwear and patted his lap for the younger to sit on.

Jimin crawled onto Yoongi's lap and nuzzled into him cutely. Yoongi ran his big hand through Jimin's pink locks causing the younger to yawn and nuzzle more into his touch, almost as if he was a small and sleepy kitten yearning for the soothing touch of a caring human.

"Your roots are showing baby. Should we dye your hair again this weekend?" Jimin nodded slightly and looked up at Yoongi who continued to gently play with his hair.

"Sure, but you have to let me choose a color for you as well." Jimin giggled and Yoongi stayed silent while continuing to stare into the boy's eyes, eyes that held mystery, memories, and a thousand secrets that Yoongi was eager to uncover.

Jimin blinked and looked down, a light blush crossing his face. Staring into Yoongi's eyes made him nervous and a bit intimidated but he knew behind that seemingly cold stare was a warm and caring heart. A heart that was seemingly too pure for the harsh and mean world which was all Jimin knew.

Yoongi finally broke the silence, "Before we go any further, I want to know all about you. I want to know what happened after... after we spilt paths. I get it if you aren't ready to talk about it but the curiosity is just eating at me. I won't look at you any differently if you do choose to tell me anything, I promise."

Jimin thought for a moment... sure he could trust Yoongi and he was certain that the elder cared about him probably more than anyone (excluding is aunt and uncle) so why was this something that needed consideration? As much as he trusted Yoongi, his past was extremely difficult to think about let alone talk about.

He realized he'd been silent for too long and decided to pull himself together... if he was gonna give himself to Yoongi, he needed to make sure the elder knew the full story. If Yoongi really is who he says he is, something Jimin was pretty certain of by now, he should understand. He may have known the boy for less than a week but in that short time alone he received more love and attention than he had in years. It was an amazing feeling... a feeling Jimin craved. And whether or not he was doing the right thing by planting so much trust and reliability in Yoongi, he decided to follow his heart and instincts rather than his brain and logic. If things went bad it would be ok, Jimin was used to being alone and rejected. But if things went well, there was no down side to it!

"Well I suppose I should start from the beginning then."

Jimin started and sat up, the two now criss-crossed and facing each other. Yoongi nodded for Jimin to continue, giving the younger his full and undivided attention.

He's a Little // YoonminOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz