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SINCE WHEN DID THIS BOOK GET OVER 300 READS OML I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 very strong/offensive language when you see ⚠️⚠️⚠️ also Disclaimer: i can use the mentioned slur though i hate doing so

characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.


"I want to see little you."

Jimin turned around to face Yoongi and sat back down on the bed beside him, a frown taking over his face.

"Why would you want to see little me? He's not something I'm exactly very proud of." Jimin chuckled, but Yoongi didn't find it very funny.

"Jimin, you know I love every part of you since we've met again. I've actually liked you for a while without even realizing it. I want to get to know all about you, all your different sides. So if you will, please show me."

Jimin contemplated for a moment before nodding his head. He figured he might as well, he was already very stressed and he no longer had anything to hide. He still wasn't comfortable with the whole situation himself, but maybe it'd help if he had someone to help him through it.

"Ok, well for now at least I can't just regress for no reason. You're gonna have to do something to trigger it."

Yoongi shook his head slowly,

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that again?" He asked, already eager to learn as much as possible.

"Um... I guess just praise me or something? Talk to me like I'm your beloved 4 year old child. It's gonna be awkward but it shouldn't be long before I slip."

Yoongi bit his lip, a habit he did when he was deep in thought, and thought of some things that he could say to Jimin to help him regress into a younger headspace.

Beloved child he thought to himself, how would I talk to my baby sister if she was a boy?

"Hi Minnie! How are you feeling little one? Are you still sleepy my little prince? Your hair is so messy!" Yoongi cooed as he ran his fingers through Jimin's fluffy pink hair. Jimin internally cringed at first, but he already felt the childlike feeling bubbling inside him and he didn't try to stop it this time.

"Do you want your stuffie, sweetheart?"

Sweetheart, Jimin thought. That was it for him.

Jimin nodded rapidly and Yoongi passed the yellow plush bear to him.


Yoongi blinked and took a moment to remember what was going on. Understandably, a teenage boy asking you for 'uppies' wasn't something that happened commonly, in Yoongi's world at least.

Since Jimin's mom didn't have an adequate money supply to feed him proper meals, Jimin was very underweight. He worked enough to earn money for food for his mother and new clothes only when absolutely necessary. Like, if he outgrew literally everything.

Somehow the small boy bought all adorable clothes so no one seemed to notice how cheap he really was. When he could buy things, he was a very smart shopper. He had to be one since he never knew when he'd have the chance to shop again.

Much to Yoongi's surprise, he hoisted the younger boy onto the side of his hip with little effort while Jimin clung to him like a koala.

"You're quite the feather aren't you, Minnie."

"Mhm! Minnie ish hungwy!"

Yoongi grinned and made a mental note to buy Jimin a high chair. He carelessly set the boy down on the counter top so he could keep an eye on him.

He's a Little // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now