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a person having a sexual or romantic relationship with someone, often outside marriage.


"Jiminie, are you ready for nap time prince?" Yoongi asked softly, a warm smile crossing his face as he gently carried the exhausted boy in the safety of his arms.

"Mm." The younger merely grunted in response and Yoongi took the hint, setting the boy down in his bed and tucking him in cozily. It'd been a long day and he assumed Jimin's mom would be home soon.

He picked up a sticky note and a pencil, writing a short but sweet note for Jimin to see when he woke up from his much needed slumber.

Dear Jimin,
I'm going home now babes. If you wake up in little space, be sure to call me immediately and I'll be on my way. Anyways, today was fun. I'm glad you had a good time with SeokJin. I'll see you at school or whenever. Bye <3

Yoongi folded the note loosely and set it down on Jimin's night stand. He removed Chimmy from the wrinkled plastic bag he was in and placed him next to the sleeping boy.

With that, he exited the room and took his leave.


The next day at school would be an interesting one for sure. They were going to watch another episode of My Little Pony and big Jimin was certainly not looking forward to it.

As he made the short commute to Taehyung's house, a giddy smile took over his face as he recalled the contents of the heartwarming note left for him.

Maybe things would be better now that he had Yoongi. Sure their relationship escalated rather quickly but in all honesty, Jimin didn't mind. Live life and see where it takes you was his philosophy. Plans were unnecessary because they were always uncertain. If life was planned, mistakes wouldn't occur. You can only control so much.

The pink haired boy was brought out of his deep thoughts when his best friend excitedly greeted him.

"Jimin-ah!" Taehyung exclaimed as he ran up to Jimin who was teasingly speed walking.

"Hey Tae." Was all he said, and the two continued conversing until they eventually made it to the large school gates.

They scanned their entry cards, bidding each other farewell before parting their separate ways for classes. Jimin was slightly disappointed that due to the boys loosing track of time, he had no free time before class to greet Yoongi. It was fine though, at least he got to see him now.

He took a seat in his usual spot just as the bell rang, signaling that class was now in session.

Mr Jung gave a brief synopsis of the upcoming episode before handing out the worksheets.

"No talking, take notes." Was all the man said before pressing play and shuffling over to his desk.

only a couple minutes into the episode and Jimin already felt that familiar childish feeling bubbling up inside him.

"Hyung." Jimin whispered, grasping the elder's attention.

"Yes Jimin? What's up?"

"I can feel myself s- slipping... what do I do?"

Yoongi panicked for a moment before stopping to think and he eventually spoke up again,

"Mr Jung! I just realized Jimin and I have to drop something off in the science lab, can we head out for a moment please?"

Mr Jung overlooked Yoongi's sudden calling out as the boy never really spoke in his class anyways. Since the two were a rare pair in his eyes, he let the boys go without suspicion.

"Follow me Jimin."


I know most of you guys are silent readers but please please pleaseee tell me what you think! I'm just dying to knowwww. I'm sorry this was short, I'm working on some things for y'all but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Then again, I have no schedule :,) Sorry for typos and btw, what do you think of the new cover?

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