- Christmas Special Part 2 - M

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cheerful and lively


Yoongi attempted to plead the boy who'd finally squinted his eyes open but was still in his baby-like headspace.

he fussed and tried to snuggle himself back into the warmth of his caregiver's lap, but the elder wouldn't allow it,

"ah ah ah Minnie, cmon i'll lift you then." he said, and didn't hesitate to scoop the younger up in a cradling position to carry him to the bathroom.

he smiled at the realization that Jimin was slowly but surely becoming heavier, healthier, and that made his heart swell with joy. but unfortunately, the boy was still very much below a healthy weight.

sorry but i couldn't pretend to be in baby space even if i tried to save us the embarrassment."

Yoongi flushed even more at Jimin's remark and awkwardly backed out of the room, "oh right... yeah, that makes more sense. i'll be back!"

he ran off to get clothes and heard Jimin chuckling from a far as he left. he figured now would be the perfect time to enlighten the boy on what the gifts labeled "for Jiminie" exactly were.

as he went to grab the bags from underneath the tree, he smirked when he caught a glimpse of them through the tissue paper.

he desperately hoped Jimin wouldn't be suspicious of why his clothes were in bags, but he realized luck was already on his side when he heard the shower running.


Jimin POV

i start the shower from now since Yoongi is taking forever and it's cold as fuck in my house for some reason.

since i'm already naked, i step into the shower and immediately melt at the warm water that makes my entire body feel blanketed inside and out.

the sudden contrast of temperature somehow makes it even more pleasurable, but shortly after i'm interrupted from my little relaxation daydream when i hear the click of the door opening.

ah, it's about time the man brought them.

"did you bring the clothes?"

i hear him place what sounds like the crinkling of a plastic bag on the toilet seat. i don't think much of it though, at least he was thoughtful enough to bag them for me since god knows he can't fold clothes to save his life.

"mm, they're on the seat when you're done. i'll be in the living room watching the ending of frosty."

"tsk, i think you're the real baby here Min Yoongi."

i hear him laugh and mumble a "yeah right" under his breath as he exits the bathroom.

that son of a... anyways, this shower is far too relaxing to be cursing at my boyfriend. if anything i should be fantasizing about us in here... but why fantasize when the real deal is right downstairs?

and with that, this shower is now over.

i turn the faucet and step out of the shower, rushing to dry myself completely so i can give my man a big fat kiss for just being so perfect today and making this christmas my best one yet.

seriously, i've never had a real christmas to date until today. just another addition to the list of firsts that Yoongi has given to me. things i never expected to experience in this lifetime, this guy has been able to give me within the span of just a few months.

shit i'm daydreaming again.

i finish drying myself and open the bag with my clothes he left for me. curious to see what he picked out for big me, i tear it open and am met with quite the surprise.

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