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used as a term of endearment


"so am i finally having my playdate with Jinnie and TaeTae now?" Jimin asked excitedly whilst rocking back and forth on his heels, the boy visibly beginning to slip just at the thought of having a playdate with the two.

Yoongi chuckled at the scene and pecked the younger's lips as he still remained facing forward on his lap comfortably.

"of course baby love, let's just get you all cleaned up first yeah?" the boy proposed and the pink haired nodded.

the elder ran his hand through Jimin's soft locks and noticed he'd still forgotten to retouch his roots which were slowly becoming their natural dark brown color.

"what color do you want to dye your hair next Min?"

said boy raised his head off the shoulder it was laying on and he considered some potential colors before responding, "mmm i'll probably just go cotton candy pink again, i think it suits me. but remember we still gots to dye your hair mister! got any colors in mind?"

Yoongi thought for a moment, he'd never considered changing his hair from its natural pitch black tone. but for his Jimin, he would change it in a heartbeat.

"i don't know bub, i've got nothing. why don't we dye our hair together soon and you can surprise me?"

Jimin nodded rapidly at the idea and let himself be koala style carried to the bathroom.


after bathing the boy, Yoongi dressed Jimin in a duckie bucket hat, baby blue overall shorts, a yellow t-shirt and white knee high socks (along with pull-ups in case he had an accident). he had to admit, he was pretty good at styling the boy if he said so himself.

"daddy awe dey almost hewe? Minnie wan play..." Jimin pouted as he was currently sat on the floor in front of his front door, patiently waiting for his best friends to arrive for their tea party... the tea was beginning to turn lukewarm and that was a problem.

the boy entered the room from the kitchen where he'd been diligently preparing snack plates for the littles to devour whilst he, Namjoon, and possibly Jungkook talked amongst themselves.

"Joon texted that they're a few blocks away and Jungkook says they're walking down the street, patience bub. and remember to be polite when they come even though you're excited, okay?"

Jimin nodded and just as the two's conversation ended, they heard a gentle knock at the door.

the elder of the two shot up to answer before Jimin could open it and was greeted by two welcoming smiles and two energetic ones.

"what do you say boys?" Namjoon encouraged the two littles to greet the couple before them.

"h- hi Minnie! hewo granpa Yoonie."

"heyo Minnie ish me Jinnie! hi Yoongle."

Yoongi twitched slightly at the fact that both littles mispronounced his name and one of them called him grandpa?!

"heyo TaeTae an Jinnie! let's go play nows!" Jimin exclaimed as he went to grab ahold of Taehyung and Jin's arms before Jungkook gently stopped the action,

"Minnie, i don't know what's up with TaeTae today but he's been a little more sensitive? and younger than when i've previously seen him regressed. so you have to be extra gentle with him today, alright?"

Yoongi glanced at Jungkook, signaling that the two would talk about it.

"otay junglebook, dat just mean TaeTae ish lil bwother! Minnie ish hyungie todays!" Jimin proclaimed with pride and Jungkook smiled at his understanding before his face contorted at the mispronunciation of his own name.

"Minnie, my name is not-"

"let's go guys! the tea is alwedy cold! we gots to use magic powews to heat it back up nows cus Minnie nu allow use micowave."

the two boys nodded, understanding perfectly, and followed closely behind Jimin as the they made their way to the living room.

Yoongi sighed softly as he shook his head and took it upon himself to lead the two caregivers into the kitchen.


In The Kitchen...

"so Jungkook, what have you and Tae been up to since he started regressing around you?" Yoongi asked the younger who was munching on a carrot that had been dipped in ranch dressing.

"it's been quite the roller coaster. don't get me wrong, the kid is absolutely adorable. but he's so mischievous!" the boy grumbled.

"mischievous? in what way?" Namjoon questioned, going for a celery stick instead.

"well for starters, he nibbles on all my clothes and room decor which often damages them, he'll only drink out of a bowl instead of his sippy cup unless he's really young, and he even plans jump-scare surprises where he rawrs at me which gives me daily heart attacks."

the two elder caregivers finally released their suppressed laughter after picturing Jungkook being startled by a precious little TaeTae.

"ahh, that gave me a good laugh i needed Jeon. but on a serious note, i think Taehyung may possibly be regressing into a pet space."


ooooh petre tae?? what are the littles up to?? tune in next time to find out :p now lmk what you thought of this chapter plssss pls pls okay bye-

also i think for my next chapter we'll take a look into a day in the life of cglre taekook ! how does that sound??

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