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a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.


The older boy examined the small box in his hand. He was utterly confused as to why the boy apparently named "Jiminie" had a pacifier with him. Maybe it didn't belong to him? Was it his little sibling's? That was probably it.

The older boy who's name was actually "Yoongi" decided that he would return the box asap.

Meanwhile, Jimin sped down the hall as quickly as he could until he finally reached the school's large gymnasium. Since the school was very well known for people interested in the Arts, sports, or just having a stable career in general, the school was definitely very different from others.

The gym for example offered many different programs. It wasn't just, "everyone exercises and plays games together". The students had the ability to select which physical activity class they wanted. The options consisted of: Yoga, Ballet, Zumba, Weight Training, Regular Gym, Intensive Gym, Water Aerobics, and Upper Body Gym.

Yes, the school was very expensive. It was a school that Jimin hadn't even dreamed about attending. However, he got in with a full scholarship! With Jimin's mother working full time and himself working part time, they were able to afford it.

Each student had two periods of Physical Activity per day. The condition of this freedom was that they had to choose two different classes. Jimin had signed up for Yoga and Weight Training. Another perk was that the sophomores and up were allowed to change these two classes every quarter or stick with the ones they had. They would switch the two classes every other day.

A/N: i have no idea why i made this so complicated and detailed but i'm sorry-

Jimin had his mind set on doing all 8 classes this year to give each one a fair shot. Today he had Weight Training. Although he was feeling rather weak today, he had no choice but to go all out.

Jimin lazily dragged himself into the locker room to change into his gym clothes. He began taking off his pants when he suddenly realized something was missing.

"Shit! Where'd it go?!" Jimin patted his pants frantically.

the boy went into full panic mode as he hastily pullled his pants down and shook them like a mad man.

"Looking for this?" a voice questioned from behind, but Jimin didn't look up from the floor as he continued searching,

"Sorry, can't talk right now. I'm looking for something!"

He finally looked up, annoyed, when he felt someone tap his shoulder. His expression immediately changed when he realized who was behind him.

"Ah, sorry. How can I help you?" Jimin wasn't sure how to approach the boy as he'd acted like complete a weirdo in front of him earlier!

"I think this is what you're looking for." Yoongi said as he placed the small plastic container before Jimin, who's face now displayed an extremely shocked expression.

"H- how did you get this? Why do you have it?" Jimin stood up and snatched the small box, shoving it into his pencil case.

"Whoa, chill. You dropped it on your way out of Film class just a few minutes ago. I just wanted to return it. I was planning on leaving it with your books before you noticed it was gone." Jimin nodded and shook his blazer off.

"Thanks for returning it." Yoongi nodded,

"What's your name?" Even though Yoongi did his job and returned what belonged to Jimin back to the younger, he still wanted to know something.

"Park Jimin, you?" Jimin answered bluntly, never once considering the fact that his precious box was clear and had his name on it. Meaning that Yoongi could've easily seen the contents of the box and known that it did in fact belong to him.

"Min Yoongi."

Yoongi obviously found it very strange that Jimin carried around a pacifier in a box with his name on it. He decided to just drop it and focus on getting dressed before the bell rang.

Jimin on the other hand was pulling his shorts on when he felt a sting against his backside. He hissed in pain and turned around to see a smirking Sookmin and his friends snickering in the background.

"Your ass is still as flat as it was when I fucked you that one time. Is it still sore? You didn't come to school the day after that happened! Bet you cried in your room all day. You'd think once someone makes that mistake once, it wouldn't happen again. But you're a dumb slut! So I guess you're an exception." Sookmin's friends laughed and hyped him up the whole time.

Jimin felt tears trickling down his cheeks. He was seriously tired of crying today, but the fact that he was doing it in front of other people now was an absolute nightmare. He just felt lucky that there were only a few people in the locker room at the moment.

"Hey assholes." a deeper voice sounded from somewhere. Sookmin stopped laughing for a moment and directed his vision to behind Jimin.

"Aha! The fuck did you just call me, short stack?!"

"I called you an asshole. Well, you and your group of mean girls. But mostly you." Sookmin smirked devilishly and shoved Jimin out of the way, slamming his head into a locker, to get a better view of his new enemy.

"Do you really wanna test me new guy? Because I don't think you wanna end up in a police station with me this early in the morning." Sookmin growled as he cracked his knuckles.

"I haven't kicked any ass all month. Swing at me hot head. I dare you."


Another extra chapter since I'm off! Chapter 8 will probably be coming earlier since it's only a three day week of school. Sorry if this seems rushed, but Yoonmin's relationship has to start somewhere, right? Also, I see the few you reading this are silent readers. Which is fine! You do you. But please don't hesitate to let me know how I can improve and what you want out of this book. Sorry for typos etc. Have a Fantabulous day my Lovelies :)))) <333

He's a Little // YoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang