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No definition today bc I'm finally done editing! That's why it took me so long to write a new chapter, I completely edited all 27 before this one haha. Let's get into it lovelies ;)

also this is really cringe cus i'm inexperienced but uh read at your own risk lol

Ps: Enjoy Festa!!

PPs: I forgot i hadn't written a birthday chapter at this point but Jimin is 18 now!! I do random times jumps and don't clarify but i just realized this looks like Jimin is a minor in kink- so just an fyi.


"Punishments? What kind of punishments?" Yoongi leaned back into the desk chair and stared at Jimin with curiosity filled eyes.

"You could compare littles to children. For example how children don't really learn right from wrong unless they get punishments or praise, littles are the same pretty much."

Yoongi nodded in understandment, though he still didn't entirely understand.

"So does that mean we need a list for praises too orrr?" Yoongi questioned causing Jimin to laugh a little, though he couldn't laugh too much as he wasn't fully educated on the topic himself.

"No, you praise me a lot anyways so we definitely don't need a list for that."

Yoongi nodded again and took out a clean sheet of paper as well as a different color pen.

"Hyung, do you need my help with this one? I feel like punishments would be less self explanatory than rules..."

Yoongi shook his head no and immediately got to work on the punishments list. Jimin sighed and sprawled out across his bed to browse through Instagram as he waited.

Yoongi put a lot more thought into this list. He didn't know much about disciplining kids much less disciplining a little.

After some time, Jimin was yet again called over to his desk to review the short new list.

Minnie's Punishments:

-No TV
-No sweets
-No play time
-Corner time
-Early nap time

Jimin looked down at the list and read it over before looking back up at Yoongi who was already opening his mouth to explain it,

"So these are kinda like open ended punishments. Depending on how bad the situation, I can extend or shorten the time length of these and choose which one would be most suitable. I think having this list hung up somewhere will be a good reminder for Minnie whenever he gets an idea to do something naughty."

Jimin smiled and hugged Yoongi for no reason in particular, he was just so happy. Happier than he'd ever been in any other relationship before just spending this quality time with someone, it was a kinda crazy to be honest. He'd never even imagined a reality like this and here it was just happening right before his eyes. It almost felt like a dream, too good to be true. It was as if he was the main character of a drama.

"Thank you hyung, it's perfect!"

Jimin giggled at Yoongi causing the elder to flash his signature gummy smile.

"You know you don't have to call me hyung all the time. I wouldn't mind being called daddy every once in a while." Yoongi winked at Jimin and chuckled when he noticed the younger furiously blushing at his remark.

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that."

"No really! You can call me daddy anytime when you're big, you'll be calling me that tonight anyways." Yoongi chuckled at how easily Jimin became flustered by his words and his effect on the younger.

He's a Little // YoonminHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin