- Christmas Special Part 1 -

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cheerful and jovially celebratory

taking a quick pause from the previous chapters for a yoonmin christmas special!! this special does not fit into the storyline, it is its own little side gift :) enjoy!

+ character profiles have been edited! please refer to that chapter for the updated version!


Jimin opened his eyes and was met with a bright, white light being shone in his face, causing him to quickly shut them tightly and roll over away from the brightness of the window.

upon doing so, he was met with the warm, pale chest of his lover. now that the two were both legal adults, their relationship was truly starting to feel domestic when they were out of school.

"good morning sunshine. do you know what day it is?" Yoongi whispered groggily, his morning voice still hoarse and dry.

"mm? isn't it saturday...?" Jimin yawned out and scratched his head in confusions at Yoongi's reference to the date.

he picked up his phone off his night stand and rubbed his blurry eyes to check.

December 25th


Jimin almost immediately slipped into his childlike headspace at the realization and the events of the previous night flooded into his memory.

"daddy get up! get up! we gots to check n see if santy clause ate tha cookies!" the little exclaimed as he began aggressively shaking the sleepy elder beside him.

it had slipped Yoongi's mind that he had Jimin leave out milk and cookies as an excuse for him to eat said cookies the night before. but he was happy that he would be able to provide the younger with some christmas magic.

"okay Minnie i'm coming, we have to brush our teeth first though okay? santa doesn't give gifts to little ones with bad breathe."

Jimin pouted and stopped dead in his tracks (as he was already halfway out the door).

he dragged himself over to his bathroom and patiently awaited Yoongi's help as usual.

the elder rolled out of bed and made his way over. he easily lifted Jimin up and kicked a stool underneath him so he could reach the large sink.

since Jimin was old enough to brush on his own today, Yoongi was able to use the bathroom and freshen up whilst he did that.

"since you're so excited for santa and presents, would you like to move your bubble bath to after breakfast prince?" Yoongi gave the little an option although he very well knew what the response would be.

"prezzies first prezzies first!!!" Jimin chanted and dragged a half asleep Yoongi out of his room and down the stairs.

immediately upon arriving at the bottom of the steps, Jimin sprung away from his boyfriend and darted towards their small christmas tree where he'd left the cookies and milk.

when he approached the tree, he let out a comically dramatic gasp and his mouth hung agape.

Yoongi was chuckling in the distance at that reaction, leaning against the frame of the room.

"what's going on Minnie?" he fake questioned.

"daddy lookit! tha cookies n milkies i left for santy clause are all gone! i knew he was real n chimmy said he nu real! bad chimmy... lying s against rules." Jimin frowned at the fact that his best friend (after Taehyung) had lied to him.

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