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having a pleasing quality involving a subtle effect or contrast rather than sharp definition.


"How? Literally how did I manage to slip so fast? I swear we got about two seconds into the episode. Ugh, why are we even watching a kids show for fucks sake!" Jimin ranted to Yoongi as the two boys leisurely walked down the practically empty halls of the school. All that was heard was Jimin's loud voice and the squeaking of their shoes.

"Mr Jung was gullible to let us leave together, thank fuck or else I don't know what I would've done."

"Yah! Language Jimin." Yoongi scolded.

Jimin scoffed and turned to face him, "Yoongi, I'm not a baby. I'm allowed to curse."

"But little you isn't-"

"I'm not little! I'm not a baby! And I certainly will NOT let anyone treat me like one! Just let me talk freely will you? Damn." Jimin seemed to be genuinely pissed off at the elder for the first time in that moment.

Yoongi sighed and ran his fingers through his thick black hair. He knew Jimin was just lashing out because he was annoyed with himself, he was mad at things he couldn't control. But Yoongi was only human, so of course Jimin's words still hurt him... more than he wanted them to.

"Well then don't fucking have me to be your caregiver if you don't want to be treated like a baby! Because for the record, I'm terrible with babies! Yet here I am looking after you, caring for you, even getting you out of class to prevent- argh!"

Yoongi raised his voice at Jimin who seemed to be in a momentary state of shock, but before he could come up with a response, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Boys! I could hear you from down the hallway! The science lab is that way in case you haven't noticed. Come see me after class so we can discuss your punishment." Mr Jung exclaimed, a very unamused look on his handsome face.

Neither Jimin nor Yoongi protested. After all, they had no excuse as to why they were walking down the wrong hallway and yelling at each other. The whole situation was ridiculous but what's done was done.

"Sorry Mr Jung, it won't happen again sir." Jimin bowed and apologized knowing he'd be punished regardless. He just hated the feeling of being on his favorite teacher's bad side.


Thank you so much for 900!!! I love you! Sorry for typos <3

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