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a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.

Self harm warning will be- ⚠️⚠️


Jimin let out a long, frustrated sigh as he walked around the gym for what felt like years before class started. His mind was polluted with thoughts about Yoongi, Sookmin, 'little space'. He just wanted to shut off his brain for a while.

Before he knew it, gym was over and Jimin could finally leave.

Fast forward to the end of the day; Jimin slung his backpack over his shoulder and slammed his locker shut. He walked out of the school entrance doors but was abruptly stopped by someone gripping his shoulder.

"Hey... Jimin was it?" Jimin stopped and looked at the boy who was at about eye level to himself,

"Oh, hello again. Can I help you?" Yoongi let go of his shoulder,

"No. But I can help you. Let me walk you home for today. I thought about what that Soo-something asshole said earlier and I have a feeling he's gonna be mad when he sees you. He said he was gonna finish his 'talk' with you after school." Jimin smiled sadly,

"Thank you, I appreciate it but you really don't have to. I'm used to Sookmin and his antics. Besides, I'm sure he's at the arcade with his buddies right about now." Yoongi showed no signs of giving up, so Jimin obliged and let Yoongi walk him.

After about ten minutes, the two suddenly stopped walking and Jimin tensed. His heart rate must've tripled. In the middle of the sidewalk stood Sookmin and his friends. Sookmin stepped behind Jimin and slithered his hand around his waist before slowly dragging it against his back.

Jimin felt a sharp pain and a sting as something sliced through the skin on his back. His gray blazer was slowly being pained red.

Yoongi didn't notice that, but he pushed Sookmin back and looked him in the eyes.

"What do you want, hangmun?" (Look up what that name means in Korean to get my lil joke) One of Sookmin's friends chuckled, receiving a smack to the head in response.

"It's Sookmin and you know it, jerk. Look I don't want any trouble, honest! I just wanted to have a quick chat with my pal Jimin. You can stay and watch if you'd like." Yoongi didn't know what Sookmin was up to, but he just stood and watched as the boy approached Jimin and leaned close to his ear, cupping his hands around it.

"You fuckin pussy! Heh, so you have a bodyguard now or what? You really thought I'd let you go because of Mr All Talk over there? You must be insane, twinkle toes. Y'know, this would all be easier if you'd just leave. Leave this school, leave this town, leave Korea, leave the face of the god damn earth. Maybe then the earth would actually be a happy place. Doesn't it hurt? To know you're the cause of everyone's sadness? What makes you selfish is the fact that you're still here. You know it'd be better if you were gone but you continue to hurt everyone around you. Even him. We're all fake here, Jimin. Putting on a happy face for you so you'll be the happy one. Thinking everything is a-ok. But guess what? I'm here to tell you that it's NOT ok. You should be thanking me for showing you the reality of your life. Now how about you do everyone a huge favor and don't. Wake. Up tomorrow-"

Sookmin abruptly got pulled back by Yoongi, who was getting suspicious of why Sookmin had been whispering for so long and why Jimin looked mortified.

"Times up Fuckmin. Now get your ass outta here before I-"

"Ok! Alright, I'm heading out. Remember what I said though Jimin. Or I won't let you forget it." Sookmin threatened as he walked off in the opposite direction, his friends following him closely behind like he was pulling them on a leash.

"Well... we're actually at my house, Yoongi. Thanks for walking me. See ya!"

Jimin was actually at his aunt's house but he didn't want Yoongi to question him, and he had a key so he'd walk home later when Yoongi was out of sight.

"Jimin wait!" Before Yoongi could speak more, Jimin walked backwards into the house and shut the door so Yoongi wouldn't notice the injury on his back.

The boy sprinted into the room he had in his aunt's house. She was at work at the time, so he quickly texted her that he'd be there for a few hours. Jimin didn't particularly like the room though. After all, it was filled with all his old toys and plushies from long ago. It almost creeped him out. But at the moment, something seemed oddly... tempting?

Jimin felt tears streaming down his plump cheeks. He hated the feeling of them running over his lips and he hated the saltiness of them. He winced at the pain in his back but ignored it and grabbed a plush teddy bear, burying his wet face into it.

"Ch- Chimmy! Help- he- help me! Help me!" Jimin screamed and pleaded at the bear. He wrapped himself in an old duckie blanket and sucked on the tip of his thumb as he cried his eyes out and trembled like a leaf. He eventually found himself with a headache which caused him to dose off for a little while.

When Jimin woke up, he pulled his wrinkly, wet thumb out of his mouth and scrunched up his face in disgust as he wiped it on the blanket. Jimin got up and looked around before recalling what had happened.

He frantically pulled out his phone and stared at the tab open about "little space". Jimin felt his eyes watering again. He didn't want to believe what was going on, what Sookmin told him, or anything at all. He couldn't take it. He didn't understand what he'd done to deserve this suffering. This udder pain that the world and humanity itself was giving him.

Jimin picked up a small blue pocket knife off of his dresser and examined it. He felt dizzy and he knew he wasn't thinking straight. He wanted to scream for help, but his mouth wouldn't open. He wanted to move, to do the right thing, but his body was controlling itself rather than his mind. What he really wanted was to disappear from the reality that Sookmin had just enlightened him on.


Jimin moved the blade to his exposed thigh. He took a sharp inhale as he felt the blade move swiftly across his skin leaving a thick, red, bloody line. His heart beat rapidly but his world seemed to be moving slowly. He felt a rush, an urge. He felt like he'd lost his mind and at that moment, nothing mattered. He didn't matter. Jimin used the thin blade several times before something in his brain switched. He suddenly had control again (or so he thought).

He dropped the knife and stared at the graphic image of his scarred thigh. Suddenly, he felt his chest tighten. He felt like he couldn't breathe and he fell over on his side. Jimin tried his best to crawl over to the blanket and grab his cell phone and he just called the first number he saw.

A/N: Jimin got this person's phone # on the walk home before encountering Sookmin.

"Y-Yoongi! Help! Can't- not- cannot. Cannot breathe! I- It hurts- help! P- please!"


I'm back! sorry for the slight hiatus hehe school started back a few months ago and let me tell you, i am busy lmao. I hope this gets some reads even tho I've selfishly abandoned you all! This chap is a bit more intense and I hope I was accurate with everything. Also, we finally get to see Jimin's little side! Quite the return, right? A longer chapter to make up for my long forgotten schedule :)) Ilysm my loveliessss! Sorry for any typos or if this story seems boring :/

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