234 5 1

tense, nervous, or irritable



"Chim, did you hear?" The brown haired boy spun around on his heel as he entered the new and improved school building.

"About?" Jimin replied, rolling his eyes as his friend's mouth made an "o" in response to his answer.

"Chaerin! She's coming back! I heard a bunch of transfers are coming back this week." Jimin perked up in fake excitement.

"Wow Tae. The tea is piping today." Jimin said with a monotone voice. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows,

"Jimin, your gay is showing." Jimin scoffed and gave Taehyung a look of pure disgust.

"Kim Taehyung. I'm bi. get it right. And I don't see anything particularly gay about what I said..." Jimin continued grumbling to himself while Taehyung burst out laughing at Jimin's retort.

"Oh shut the fu- ffffffront door! Yep! That's what I was ah... gonna say... yeah... totally." Taehyung smiled sheepishly at the security guard who was giving him a "finish that word and consider your afterschool plans canceled for today" look.

"Well anyways I gotta get going. I promised Kookie that I'd meet up with him before class, see ya."

Jimin thought about prying deeper into this and provoking Taehyung, but he decided to just play along and avoid stressing out his friend so early in the morning.

"alright, later Tae." The boys waved goodbye to each other and went their separate ways to their classes.

Jimin walked down the hall until he found himself standing in front of his first period film class. He entered the room and plopped himself into a window seat, launching his books on the floor as he sat down.

Jimin had always liked film class. Yes, he found it interesting and definitely worth while. But he had to admit, this would be his least favorite class if they didn't get to watch a movie or television series every week.

Suddenly the bell wrung, indicating that anyone who wasn't in their seat within the next 60 seconds would be late and given detention.

Much to Jimin's surprise, someone who he'd never seen before in his class swooped in and sat himself directly next to Jimin (as there was literally no where else to sit). The guy seemed between 1-2 years older than him. But for this particular class and a few other electives, the grades were mixed.

Jimin couldn't help but find himself staring at the boy... he was definitely a sight to see. What with his dirty blonde hair, dusty cheeks, ripped jeans, and just an overall "bad boy" look, Jimin couldn't look away.

As if he'd just seen a ghost in his peripheral vision, the older boy whipped his head in Jimin's direction. Jimin squeaked out of shock and directed his sight towards the note paper on his desk.

The older boy leaned back in his chair and put his folder on his thighs to use as a writing pad. Jimin tried to focus his attention on something, anything else.

The spirits seemed to be on his side today as the teacher finally spoke up announcing the class plans for the coming week.

"Good morning world and all who inhabit it!" The upbeat man skipped towards the small speaking circle in the front of the room while holding a thick pile of papers in his hands.

"Good Morning Mr Jung." The class replied in unison as unenthusiastically as can be.

"Yikes, I can feel that lack of coffee in all of you and that is a problem..." there was a short silence "Ah anyways, today we'll be watching one of my personal favorites students. As you may or may not of heard from your friends who had this class yesterday, this week we'll be watching some episodes of a cartoon tv show rather than a movie. But we'll call it a movie because we don't care."

"Fuck the system!" a voice called out from the back of the classroom triggering a burst of snickers and giggles.

"Ah yes, Hyun. Great to have you back." Mr Jung said as he squeezed the bridge of his nose.

"Anyways students. Today we're gonna watch a few episodes of the television series 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic!' in order to observe the animation style. What do you guys think? You love it? Great! Then let's get started. No talking or napping, remember to take notes on this as it's our main focus for this quarter. Raise your hand if you're confused about anything. And by the way, I'll be cutting this short as we have something to do at the end of the period."

Everyone remained silent and held unamused expressions on their faces as Mr Jung logged into Netflix and put on a random episode of the cartoon. As everyone seemed to be quietly mingling, Jimin felt a bit left out. For crying out loud he was sitting next to some super intimidating dude who he'd never seen nor spoken to in his life. There wasn't much to work with here, but it was still worth a shot to overcome the feeling.

"Hey, this is bullshit right? Who makes a bunch high schoolers watch a children's show? And out of all the options he chose some pony show about friendship and magic." The older boy nodded absentmindedly but didn't add anything to the conversation. Jimin decided to just drop it and focus on the episode which had just started.

The episode's theme was about the "Cutie Mark Crusaders" trying to earn their Cutie Marks by trying out different potential talents. At first, Jimin resented watching this boring, sappy children's cartoon. But the older boy beside him noticed something a kinda... odd?

Every time one of the crusaders messed up, Jimin would let out a small giggle, similar to that of a child's. He also caught Jimin nibbling on the sleeves of his uniform and could've sworn he saw him sucking on the tip of his thumb at some points! He knew something strange was up... teenage boys don't normally act like this with cartoons, right? Or was he the weird one in this situation? There was something specific that gave him his confirmation that it was definitely not normal.

"Ahehehaha! The- the- silly pony! Hehe she- she fell out of the twee!" The younger giggled, clapped his small hands in glee, and spoke gibberish on and on until he suddenly caught the older boy's eyes locked on his. As if a spell had been broken, Jimin immediately snapped out of his childish behavior and became flushed.

"Are you-"

"Mr Jung? May I please go to the bathroom?" Jimin asked in a panic. Mr Jung looked up from his grading book and simply nodded (ignoring the fact that Jimin had called out when he specifically asked the class to raise their hands!)

Before the older boy had a chance to address anything, Jimin was already sprinting down the hall and beelining towards the boy's bathroom.

He burst through the door and instantly broke down, becoming a crying mess because- well, he wasn't quite sure. "I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself!" Jimin put extra emphasis on the last one.

He aggressively opened the big stall with the baby changing table (yes, in the boy's bathroom) because he wanted a larger area to be depressed.

Without knocking, he pushed the door open as it had a broken lock and stepped inside, dropping his phone in shock as he proceeded what he was looking at.

"T- Tae? Kookie? What the fuck?!"


Guess who came through *^^* Das right, TWO chapters for my lovelies tonight. I told y'all this one would be better and longer! It's also more interesting. Sorry about changing the ages, I kinda had to for the story. But don't worry! We'll be seeing more of smol Yoongs and Jimin in the near future (future me: well you see what had happened was-) love you all, goodnight! (This is a crappy book oh well, I love it) #chickennoodlesoup

future future me: DAMN CNS?! this is old asf.

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