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exquisitely beautiful.



"Yes daddy?" Jimin responded absentmindedly while braiding Yoongi's pitch black locks of hair.

"You have to be a good boy when we meet SeokJinnie. Remember, he's our friend and we've never met him before. That means we have to be extra nice. Kapeesh?" Jimin nodded and picked up a candle, bringing it closer to his mouth.

"Ah ah ah! No baby. We do not eat inanimate objects, love." Yoongi said as he quickly grabbed the candle from the younger.

Jimin frowned as he didn't even know what the word 'inanimate' meant, but nonetheless he complied. The little was itching with anticipation to meet a new friend and he was becoming impatient.

Yoongi sighed, this was certainly going to be one hell of a journey. But he was actually kinda looking forward to it?

Luckily for Jimin, Namjoon finally entered the room once again. There seemed to be a slightly shorter person hovering behind him.

"Jinnie? It's ok angel. You can come out, there's a new friend here to meet you!" Jin stepped aside and politely bowed at the two strangers before him.

"Sorry, he's a bit shy around new people. Jinnie, why don't you take little Jiminie here to your play room hm?"

Jin nodded and waddled over to Jimin, extending a hand out to the boy.

Jimin happily took Jin's hand in his own and the elder led him to his play room.

"Ok Yoongi, ask away."

~Meanwhile in the Playroom~

"My name ish Jiminie! What your name?" Jimin asked as he took a small race car out of the toy box.

"Jinnie... wan race cars wif me?" Jimin's eyes lit up at those words, he thought the guy'd never ask!

About ten minutes or so into racing, the two littles got bored so Jin took out some coloring pages and drawing utensils.

"'M gonna draw my daddy! B- because he my supahero!!" Jimin exclaimed, eager to get to work on the drawing.

Jin smiled at Jimin's excitement and decided to draw Namjoon instead of a flower. In his eyes, they were the same thing anyways.

Just as Namjoon finished sewing the last of Chimmy's head back on, the two littles came running into the living room holding colorful pieces of paper in their hands.

Jin was about to stop before his socks got caught in the crinkled carpet causing the boy to stumble and fall face flat to the floor.

Almost immediately after, he began bawling his eyes out. Namjoon could tell that these were I'm in pain tears because there was no pause in Jin's reaction.

"See, here's a perfect example of what I was just saying. Little Jinnie here rarely gets in a bratty mood though." Namjoon explained as he combed through Jin's scalp with his fingers to calm the boy.

"Dada! I- I hurt my head..." Jin whimpered sadly, casing Namjoon to frown. He hated seeing his baby in pain more than anything.

"It's ok baby, shhhh. It's ok." Namjoon repeated soothing nothings into Jin's ear as he scooped the boy up and let him cling to his torso, arms and legs wrapped around him.

"I'm gonna go get Jin some ice, I'll be right back." Namjoon said as he carried Jin away and into the kitchen.

He's a Little // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now