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a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause


"i'm really getting to have a little playdate with Jinnie and TaeTae? you mean it?!" Jimin exclaimed, happy emotes practically radiating off him.

Yoongi grinned at how cute his baby was acting as usual, big or little space.

"that's right Jimin, Joonie and Jungkook have already agreed under the condition that you guys finish all of your homework first." Yoongi explained as he finished up with the last of his kitchen chores.

Jimin pouted at the latter half of the sentence, "But daddy~ i can do my homework later! i promise i can remember..." he whined, crossing his arms and huffing in annoyance.

the elder turned around to face him and somehow managed to suppress the urge to coo at his boyfriend who was evidently suppressing his own urge to regress.

"there's no buts about it Min-ah, call me over if you need help okay? and try to stay at least a little bit on task because the faster you finish the faster you can get ready for your playdate."

Jimin nodded defeatedly and trudged up the stairs and into his bedroom.

at that action, Yoongi finally released a sigh he didn't even realize he'd been holding in, relieved that he was able to distract the boy for some time.

he entered the living room and took a seat on the couch, stealthily removing the pillow next to him to reveal a zip lock bag with the shattered remains of a cellphone inside.

"shit..." he mumbled under his breath in a tone of pure irritation.

seeing as the phone looked destroyed beyond repair, he began to loose hope that there would be a way to access the photos and information on the device.

A/N: i'm gonna start using POVS sometimes in this book starting now because it just makes more sense to write from one perspective that i'm focusing in on more if that makes sense? i hope thats fine lol

Yoongi POV

at the end of the day, it's my fault this happened. if i had just given Minnie my full undivided attention, which he deserves, i would've actually been able to tackle the fucker before he could even get close.

there's nothing i hate more in life than regrets, so it's been a while since i've last had such horrible feelings over an event of the past that i can't change.

with that realization, i put aside my own regret and remember what i'm supposed to be doing in the first place: shooting Jin a text and a picture of the phone which Namjoon will receive from me shortly as planned.

i'm so lucky to have found such smart friends like them... using this word makes me physically sick but it honestly can only be described as fate to me. i mean, it's not everyday you meet a Park Jimin either.

"aish, speak of the angel." i whisper inaudibly as i snap a quick photo before shoving the bag in between the cushions and see my boyfriend making graceful steps down the stairs in my peripheral.

how can someone be so gorgeous just existing? is Park Jimin really a god or am i just whipped? perhaps both, but i quickly snap out of my ponder when the beaut himself finally makes his way into the living room.

without even greeting me upon entering the room, he delightedly invites himself onto my lap. i cant even complain, as much as i strive to keep him out of this stressful situation, i also need a break from constantly being thrown into the deep ends of life with no warning.

"hi angel, did you finish your homework?"

a light blush paints the boy's face at my use of the pet name, even though i call him and Minnie that on a daily basis... i'm so whipped for him oh my-

"mhm, i hate using my brain energy for academics. the only Y i wanna solve for is Yoongi!"


after a dramatic pause, the two of us break into a delayed laughing fit at Jimin's attempt at a stupid romantic pick up line.

he covers his flushed face with his itty bitty hands (i'm sorry-) to mask his embarrassment, and i felt that second hand embarrassment like never before, but in an adorable type of way.

"don't ever cover your pretty face my love, a face like yours should never be hidden away."

though it being disgustingly cheesy and romantic, he slowly lowered his hands at my remark.

his face was still tinted pink, but he'd calmed down now. instead of making new conversation, i would rather stare into his eyes for a bit longer.

like how when you make eye contact with your dog a lot you slowly gain a deeper trust and connection with them? yeah, i get that with Park Jimin.

not to mention his stare is nearly impossible to break away from. i take this opportunity to admire all of the boy's small but uniquely gorgeous features.

he eventually shifts on my lap into a more comfortable position so that he's now straddling me as usual. his hands awkwardly hung at his sides, clearly not knowing where to go, so i snake my arms loosely around his small frame in order to keep his balance.

now that we're back to getting lost in each other, i notice Jimin's eyes darting around my face as if he's trying to map out everything in his head.

his eyes studied my face entirely before they finally stopped and lingered in the direction of my lips.

Third Person POV

the two gradually leaned into each other, Yoongi's hand's caressing the younger's hips through the fabric of his shirt as they inched closer.

"can i kiss you?" the elder of the two asked casually instead of just closing the gap between the two as they both longed for.

Jimin undoubtedly nodded his head at that and took it upon himself to connect his lips to his boyfriend's without hesitation.

once permitted, Yoongi wasted no time in reasserting his dominance by biting the boy's lip for entrance, causing the younger to let out a breathy gasp. there was almost nothing he enjoyed more than having control over their slow paced movements.

the make out wasn't one of sexual desire or hormones, it was full of a mutual feeling of passion and adoration between the couple.

not proofread yet im so sorry, oks point stuff out what else? oh yeah i can't see this but uh yeah so it's just murdering (rather not say) subtracte???

^so i wrote this closing about 2 minutes ago... it's so good that i genuinely wrote that right there... im THAT sleep deprived. so i will reread later and the next chapter will pick up with steam >:3

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