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I wipe my eyes, feeling Cat purr against me in bed.

I was a bit startled when my lashes fluttered open. At first because I had momentarily forgotten what it's like to wake up in my own room, and not in some random hotel.

My eyes sting, someone's opened the curtains, the ones above my desk, and the sun is shining through the large windows and directly onto my face. At first I think Francesca opened them.

Then, I smelled pancakes.

Before my mom went along with my dad for his trips, it was just the two of us.

And pancakes were our favorite thing to eat together. And one of the only things she could cook back then. Breakfast for dinner was a regular thing.

They're my dad's favorite and we used to eat them all together all the time.

When the label required him to be away for longer, she'd make me pancakes to try and make me feel better since I missed him constantly.

It's been a while since I've smelled pancakes, and it can only mean one thing, my parents are home.

I sit up in my bed and still find it strange.

When I got home last night I contemplated falling asleep on the couch. That's how tired I was. Didn't even want to walk upstairs. As for my bed, the second I laid in it, it already didn't feel like home.

Knowing it's definitely my mom downstairs, I change into an actual pajama set she bought me. I don't think she'll approve of horse camp swears and a sports bra.

Nah, pink silk is more her speed.

She says the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.

I wash my face and even comb my hair. All stuff I normally wouldn't do and she'd criticize me for.

But I really missed her, so I got it all out of the way before I went downstairs.

After I get my slippers on, I pick up Cat, giving her obligatory morning love.

"Hey baby." I say and kiss the fluffy, orange mess while she meows, probably telling me to put her down in cat language.

I pad down the hall and down the stairs, pausing for just a second to listen to whatever song they had playing. And of course, it's Hotel California by The Eagles. And it's coming from the kitchen.

That's my parents wedding song.

I inhale and the smell of pancakes takes over and I smile. I walk into the kitchen and feel my heart melt at the sight.

My mom and dad are slow dancing in front of the stove, wet spatula in my moms hand.

I put Cat down before my mom can tell me to herself.

"Am I interrupting? Or? Can I have some pancakes? Thanks for the giant dose of nostalgia, by the way." I announce.

Mom turns around and gasps, "Oh honey!"

I can't help but turn into a kid again. I run to hug her, it's been so long since I've actually seen her.

I inhale her Chanel no. 5 and sigh in relief. Her hairs spilling over my shoulders and mine is doing the same to her. I get the locks from her and the color from him.

"I missed you." I say into the crook of her neck.

"And I missed you! I haven't seen you in ages." She says, pulling away for a moment to get a good look at me.

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