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/tour bus tour/


Luke lightly knocked twice and moved out of the way of the swinging door that definitely would've hit him if he didn't move on time.

I couldn't help but laugh. It's the first time he's looked slightly uncool since he stepped off stage. And he's slightly more human to me now.

Only slightly though.

We're getting on his tour bus for fuck's sake. So far from normal human stuff.

Who I'm assuming is the bus driver was the one who opened the door. He saw us behind Luke and he didn't even look phased.

Hm, noted.

I would personally be phased if three strangers were about to enter my bus. But that's just me.

"This is Amara, Jesse, and Maddie." Luke introduced us to the bus driver.

For some reason it surprised me he remembers their names. It just doesn't seem like the type of thing he'd do. You know, be polite.

The driver acknowledged us with a nod, simple nod. But then offered a hand, noticing all three of us were wearing some form of heel. He knew we'd need help climbing the thin steel steps.

I took his hand first and say hello as sweetly as I can, feeling sort of guilty for intruding.

He smiled at me but only for a split second, his lips soon returned to an expressionless flat line.

Jesse and Maddie followed behind me doing the same thing. We sort of stood awkwardly in the 'living room' area.

Luke whispered to an older looking guy with a beard and glasses to stand up up off the small couch so we have somewhere to sit.

"This is Ben," Luke says, "That's Derek."

Another crew member that's sat in the kitchen booth waves.

And with that, Luke disappears behind a sliding door further into the bus.

Jesse shot me a panicked look, "Where's he going?!"

I actually didn't care Luke was leaving us for a second.

I was dying to know what happened with the 'boys.' I would've asked outside but Luke would've been waiting for us to deliberate forever.

"How are the other ones?" I whisper eagerly.

"Nice, weirdly nice. I don't know." Jesse whispers back.

"And? C'mon. Spill." I press.

"What! They're nice!"

"Nice? Oh yeah that's so descriptive, Jess."

"They think we're hot." Maddie chuckles.


"I know." Maddie chuckles.


"Rhythm section." Jesse answers.

"Double gag. And?" I wonder.

"And nothing. They offered us warm beer." Jesse says.

"Ew. What?" I shake my head, wow it was going sort of well there for a second.

WARM? They have absolutely no idea how to treat a lady.

"I know. Like who does that?" Maddie agrees.

don't you go // lrhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon