/thirty eight/

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The constant chatter and rumble of noise lasted the entire day. Christmas is sort of a big deal when you're in a large family like myself. And since I could actually afford to buy presents for the first time like, ever, I made sure to ask my mom to invite every single extended family member.

Everyone's coming in and out of the house, the kids are running through the living room and being scolded about shoes inside, the kitchen smells absolutely insane in the best way, so does the backyard so we can utilize the grill too, that way everyone gets fed on time.

And for once, everyone isn't fighting.

That's what New Years is for.

And thank god I won't be here for that one.

During the holidays, The Hemmings residence also becomes the Hood, Clifford, and Irwin residence.

For a while I feel sorta bad that the whole band thing sort of forced our families to become close.

Unlike them, we actually had a choice to become close. We chose to be friends.

But our mums all love it. They like having us all here. Together. They say it reminds them of the old days. Before we were touring and all we did was jam really loud and play Halo at each other's houses. Usually whoever's parents were sick of us the least.

I sat on the couch with the guys and got plates handed to us, the beer it just kept coming. We have an unreasonably small dining table for the amount of people that are always in this house so we were assigned to this area for dinner. With explicit instructions of course to be careful and not get the new couch dirty. My mum always said we could be poor but not slobs.

"Oh my god I fucking hate hotel food, thank you so much for reminding me Liz." Ashton complimented but the one and only Lauren was there to smack him on the back of the head for his foul language in front of Harry. Both of which have joined us in the living room.

"Okay Laur, that's uh that's getting old cut it out." Ashton said pointing at her with his fork.

"So is that hair cut, you cut it out." Lauren said and I laughed.

"Is it that bad?" Ashton whined, the way he always does when we give him shit about his hair and we all laughed.

"Bro, it's bad. At least trim it!" Michael said covering his face with his hands knowing he'd be hit.

It doesn't matter how preoccupied Ashton is with his food. He's slapping Michael at the back of his head.

Half way through the first course, the front door opened yet again and it was Jack, beer and box in his arms.

"Lukey!" He called, taking a sip of the beer.

The band made fun of me and the nickname. They like it when other people call me that. They think it gives them permission to also call me that to this day.

"Yeah?" I turned in his direction and I left my plate of seconds on the coffee table.

"Package for you." He answers and then proceeded to open it.

"For me? Everything for me goes to Feldman's." I say with my eyebrows furrowed, not caring at all that he's tearing the package up.

"Says its from Boston?" Jack said and he put his beer down to open the package with much more force.

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