/thirty one/

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I finished my hair and makeup in the nick of time. Luke was blowing up my phone telling me the car was waiting for what felt like ages.

I didn't like the sound of telling him I wanted to look good for my birthday. It sounded so brat like. Annoying even. Especially since he hasn't acknowledged my birthday.

I keep trying to figure out if I just never told him and that's why he hasn't said anything. Maybe I am just remembering wrong.

It doesn't feel good though. Since my friends haven't messaged me either. Maybe they think we don't have to since we celebrated almost three weeks ago.

Either way, I felt a little bit funny, putting a 5SOS personnel lanyard on. Sort of like a last accessory before I went out the door.

I made a mental note to save this in a safe place. I know I'm going to want it for the scrapbooks or the wall above my bed. I haven't decided yet. Even if it does have 5SOS obnoxiously written all over it.

I felt obnoxious when I had to show it to the staff too, like a big nerd if anything.

So once I was backstage I took the clip off and attached it to the ankle strap of my heel, just like Bianca Jagger in the 70's.

A camera flash went off before me as I got done with my little badge adjustment.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." The photographer says, and off he goes.

Well alright then, I think. Just when I think I'm getting used to this whole 'with the band thing' something totally out of left field happens.

"Sorry. He works for the venue though. Half the pictures are gonna go nowhere." Luke says, handing me a drink.


"Hi." He smiles, kissing my cheek.

"I didn't even see you come in." I chuckle, sitting up on a counter the hairstylists use to set out all their tools.

"I was around here somewhere." Luke nods with this devious little smile, no teeth, his lips curl to the side.

"Hm. What's that face?"

"You just. Look."

"I know. Is it stupid? Do I look bad?" The sheer polka dot tights with heels might've been a huge mistake.

I figured it'd be a nice touch since I feel not so great in a black dress and leather blazer.

"No! You look good, Mar. You always do." Luke snakes an arm around my neck so he could pull me in for a kiss.

"Yeah, yeah." I chuckle, already feeling better than I felt last night.

I guess staying off the socials really does help.

Luke talked my ear off about how much fun he had today. He misses doing quiet sets, acoustic sets on the calm side. And they did q&a's as like a test run for what they wanna do on tour.

"You know, they didn't uh. Ask about you as much today. I think that's like a good sign." He shrugs.

"Good. I don't wanna be asked about." I sigh, sipping the mixed drink of mysterious ingredients.

"John says by the time tour comes, we can find a way to make sure they don't ask about you. Or your friends." Luke reassures me, putting his drink down so he could stroke my thighs with both his hands.

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