/twenty two/

362 7 1

/L.A 1.5/


"Okay, order up." Maddie says from the passenger seat.

Amara reaches for the stereo and lowers the volume, yup. She's the only one who can drive since Rick dropped us off and departed for the night and everyone else is drunk.

"Are we sure this is gonna work?" Calum wonders.


"How legit is this thing?" He asks, taking the fake I.D from her hands, "You look way too good in this picture. Nobody looks good on their I.D they're gonna know it's fake!"

"I told her the same thing!" Amara agrees.

"We should've pulled one of those fake fall tricks you guys have." Ashton tells her.

We're parked outside of a liquor store, doesn't matter where we go, we apparently had to make this obligated stop.

And since we're without security tonight we can't buy any alcohol either.

Maddie however can. With a fake I.D of course.

We're celebrities. Yes. But we're not even 21 yet. And if it's one thing this country cares about, it's keeping young people away from alcohol. Priorities am I right?

"Oh yeah, the party thing. That was good." Calum agrees.

I laugh to myself, remembering the stunt.

"Okay did I miss the memo when we all decided to be big scared babies?" Maddie wonders.

"Well we tried." Jesse shrugs.

"But?" Ashton presses.

"But there's way too many people, not enough alcohol, and it took this one forever to pull out of the parking spot."

"Hey! Cut me some slack, I've never driven a van before." Amara defends.

"Stealing and no reliable getaway car? Recipe for disaster. That's like crime 101." Maddie shrugs.

"Plus Alex is your friend, heh and he's nice! I like him!" Jesse says.

"Hey!" Ashton interrupts.

"We like him. He has a lot of nice shit in there what are we gonna do break it? We wouldn't do that." Jesse adds.

"Fair enough." I decide.

"Come on, orders please!" Maddie says.

The boys list off their beer of choice, and Jesse reminded her to get water.

"No snacks?" She wonders and the boys all mumbled different versions of the word no.

"Amateurs." Jesse chuckles.

"Just get the beer, get in, get out." Michael says, nervously chuckling.

"You coming?" Maddie asks Amara.

Amara nods, shooting me a smile in the rear view mirror before leaving the car.

I raise my brows and ask when she's outside and out of ear shot, "She has one too?"

"Yup. Mad's didn't want to pick hers up alone." Jesse chuckled.

"And where's yours?" Ashton asks her.

"Didn't go."


"Didn't wanna ditch Bible study." She chuckles.

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