/fourty three/

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/island in the sun/

It took a couple pages of google results and a fair share of YouTube tutorials, but eventually I figured out how to use the coffee machine in the kitchen. I've never used one. Let alone an Australian one. But coffee was made damn it!

It's the only time I think I've ever wished for the other boys company. Maybe they would've actually been useful in this situation.

I woke up before Luke. Probably because my head was spinning and I was so uncomfortable sleeping in my clothes. Such a dumb choice but felt right at the time.

I cut my losses, got cleaned up, and decided to do something simple. Easy. Like make breakfast for Luke since he had a rough night.

I also had a chance to respond to yesterdays messages from my parental units. Funny. I haven't been on my phone at all since being here.

I made some scrambled eggs, avocado toast, and fried some bacon. And yes I used another YouTube tutorial for guidance on that last bit.

I picked flowers from the bushes out front, put them in a tiny glass vase I found beneath the sink, and added them to my breakfast spread. I got lucky and can totally tell this place usually operates as a Bed & Breakfast.

In another cupboard I found one of those breakfast in bed trays.

I loaded the tray up with his food, coffee and a tiny ceramic pitcher filled with milk in case he wants any. And of course, my flowers.

We're lucky the bed's a king. I placed the tray down on one end, far from Luke so he won't knock it over.

I sat up next to him, almost too entranced by his sleeping face to wake him. His brows are furrowed so he's definitely not in rem sleep. His upper lip slightly sticks out more as he sleeps. And his hair is a mess. A cute mess. The worlds cutest mess!

"Hey." I whisper, stroking the stubble that's formed overnight.

He groans, stirs a bit.

I grab the coffee mug for reinforcements, and hold it under his nose.

"Luke. Luuuke." I sing, also in a whisper.

And the power of caffeine makes his eyes flutter open. He stretches. His tired, slightly swollen eyes scan my face and he refamiliarizes himself with the bedroom.

"Hey." He croaks in a sleepy voice.

"Sit up."

I nod at the tray, and watch a tired but grateful smile, slowly stretch across his face.

"This coffee is surprisingly good for a beginner." He compliments, licking some residue off his lips.

I curl in next to him, the both of us leaning against the headboard.

"I'm gonna choose not be offended by that."

"Good choice. Because I meant it! Way to go Mar, this isn't disgusting."

"Hey! Isn't it the thought that counts?"

"I don't know. Isn't making your boyfriend breakfast in bed kinda against the third wave feminism thing?"

"Wow. A word with three or more syllables. Good job Luke." I tease.

"Ah there's the Amara I know." He laughs, adding the tiniest bit more milk to his mug.

"Warm milk. Nice touch."

"I don't do anything half ass." I chuckle.

"Wanna try some?" He asks, holding the mug out to me.

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