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On the days we have shows my daily routine is always the same.

It's just a quick shower, quick breakfast, rehearsal and sound check, look for potential hook up and if I luck out I wait until after the show, stage, and then hook up with whoever I found.

We were so ready to get out of rehearsals today, all of us a little frustrated because Calum keeps forgetting the words to so songs he wrote on.

"Put that bass down and get your shit together. We are not playing another note until you get these lyrics right. You can't keep forgetting shit like this, Cal." Ashton said into his microphone.

"Man, we have other things to do, we haven't even rehearsed Disconnected yet." Michael argued.

"And they need to retune the guitars." I add, that shit takes time.

"And my snare needs to get fixed!" Ashton chimed in.

"Well that's not our job anymore!" Calum argues.

He's sorta right, they hired people to do all that for us.

"Then?" Ashton sighs.

"Fine. Let's just do lyrics." Calum shrugs, trying to set up his phone on the floor just right, to get a good look at the lyrics in his notes app.

Michael scoffed, clearly wanting to prioritize something else with our very limited rehearsal time. It's way less than you'd think since we're the supporting act and all. Supporting act or not though we don't want to put on a shit show.

He usually looks at me for help in these situations and I just shrug this time.

I don't stress over things like this. Or at least I try not to.

I don't like being the one they look to when we fight either. I sing the most. But that's about it. I'm no more a front man than anyone else in this band.

But I am stressing over the fact that we haven't even done a run through of Disconnected. It's important we do it justice.

Amara's coming to see us again, and it isn't a part of our set list. I want to play something for her. May as well be that one.

But soon their arguing and chattering became too much and I was convinced our set was gonna be awful no matter how much we rehearse.

And then everyone's gonna say we don't deserve to be on this tour anyway.

Shit, Amara probably thinks that too.

"Okay! Enough!" I exclaim, into the microphone by accident.

It sent a sharp ping into our ear pieces.

I walked off the stage instead of just standing there waiting to be interrogated.

My chest was rising and falling at a quick pace and I couldn't get to a bathroom fast enough. The breathing techniques and the splashed water on my face don't help.

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