/fourty four/

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A mob of photographers waited for us at the airport and more waited at the Thai food restaurant we picked out. Those bastards at the host stand totally sold us out!

"See?" I say to Amara as we tried to get inside, I kissed her cheek since she started laughing, knowing what I was going to say next.

"We need pseudonyms."

"Fine. You win this round." She chuckles, not wanting to let go of my hand.

Usually once we're through a crowd or out in public in general we keep the hand holding thing to a minimum. Especially in front of all our friends. But right now she's holding on. Tight.

I try to ask her if she's okay, she nods without making eye contact.

We slide into the red leather booth, together, even though I think couples usually sit across from each other right? It doesn't matter. I tuck her under my arm and she places a hand on my thigh.

"Guys just pick a bunch of shit. We can share." Ashton instructs, handing his menu to the waiter.

None of us really need it. We've eaten here plenty of times.

"What's the rush?" Jesse asks him, sitting on the chair side snd using the menu to hide her face from everyone raking photos.

"I got us a table at this club, we gotta be there by eleven." Ashton says.

"It's eight." Maddie counters.

"You take like fifty damn years to get dressed." Calum shoots back.

"Oh not this again." Maddie groans.

"It's eight. We'll get out of here in what an hour? Hour and a half? Then the hotel by ten?"

Then, the girls remain silent.

"Exactly. So order fast." He nods, pleased with himself.

"Where are we even going?" Jesse wonders.

"And don't say it's a surprise! I don't know how to dress for a surprise." Amara asks.

"This sick 80's place-"

"Round of waters of here please! And we're ready to order!" Maddie interrupts, involuntarily making us laugh with how she shoots up, out of her seat and waves down the closest server.

"Someone's eager." Amara nods at her.

"Can't drink on an empty stomach." She jokes.

"No. No we cannot. You hear that? Hm? Eat more than just the bean sprouts." Jesse says but that last bit's just for Ash.

At first he protests, stating he's only eating bean sprouts out of spite now. But of course when the waiter gets back he orders more than the rest of us. Jesse shoots him a look, like she's annoyed, and then they both smile at each other.

I think they're sweet together.

Amara didn't get enough time with the menu and looks at me in a panic when they get to her, so I order for her. For the both of us, really. All her favorites. That are actually now my favorites.

Even though the flight was considered a short one we were all still beat from a long day. The beach, a packing party, the dilema with the suitcases and the cars and the real life game of Tetris we had to play so everything would fit, then the airport can do that to you.

So the food and iced Thai tea tasted better than normal. Way better than normal. The least enjoyable part about this night so far is Amara try and failing to teach me how to use chopsticks.

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