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/familiar faces/


It's about that feeling I'm still not used to.

It's about the pounding in my chest as the lights go down and the stage lights up.

It's about how even though I've seen the same show nine times, I'm still excited for the tenth. Over the moon excited.

"Who shall we play tonight? Home made merch girls? Or...Etsy Merch girls?" Jesse interrupted the winging of my eyeliner to ask a question all three of us knew she didn't actually mean.

"We don't make merch, Jess." Maddie reminds her from the bathroom.

I laugh in my seat and finished the eye makeup with extremely mediocre results.

"Please don't be that girl tonight, Jess you were that girl round one." I remind her and shake my head at the red haired girl.

She loves to poke fun at everyone's micro aesthetic at these concerts. The unofficial merch girls who buy them on Etsy, the official merch girls who wear what they bought from the merchandise stand immediately, the girls who make merch thirty minutes before showtime. And so on and so forth. The variety is always fun to watch.

"It's the last time we're going to see them! I want to make it special." Jesse shrugged and continued to look through her suitcase.

"An ugly shirt is not how you make it special." Maddie teases.

I sat in front of the mirror provided by the hotel room and finished making up my face in hopes to finally get some eye contact with Harry. Nine shows, not even including the previous tours, and nothing! Nada! Zip!

"What do you think Niall will notice me in? Amara, help me?" Jesse asked, sighing at her clothes.

"A neon sign that says 'Niall notice me.'"Maddie jokes, coming back into the room with her hair and makeup perfectly in place, looking amazing as ever.

Jesse fake gasped at the sarcastic insensitivity, and threw a very dirty sock at Maddie's face.

"Wear the blue dress," I suggest once we get all the giggles out.

"With the white bralette. I'm sure all those Five S.O.S fans will be clogging up our section, so you gotta stand out from emo wanna-be's." I wink.

Jesse laughed and nods, "Blue dress it is."

"Ugh don't remind me. Why do so many of them sit in our section just for their band and then leave? It's not like it's their tour." Maddie wonders aloud, now scavenging through her own suitcase.

"Ugh exactly! Them too though, on Twitter and stuff they act like it's their tour! Why did they have to come this year too?" Jesse complains and slipped the dress on.

We weren't exactly fond of them last year either. We heard on Twitter that they had this Australian opening act and half them fandom went feral over them. We were excited to check out the fresh meat, and were disappointed by their cocky online presence and half assed performances.

"It's because they wish it was." Maddie held up disco pants in one hand and jeans in the other.

"Aw come on, Mads. Some of those songs are good." I defend, it's been known to happen.

"Ah, fuck'em. They know full well their stans are assholes and do nothing about it. I mean they're not awful. Fair, but did they really have to come to this tour?" She complains, and finally decides on the black disco pants.

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