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/The Hampton's 2/


I pushed the congealed bright yellow sauce on my plate back and forth with my fork. The chives looked like little insects, further repulsing me.

My attention is back on the group I'm sitting with at the table when I hear my name.

"It was epic. You should've been there Amara." Nate says.

I only smile and raise my brows in response, I wasn't paying attention to the retelling of whatever mischief they all got into last night. I'm sure it was grand theft auto leaning. Mixed with underage drinking and perhaps vandalism.

It's day four of this trip and I've already grown sick of the eggs Benedict. I've had it every single day for breakfast at this restaurant. Took me at least two weeks last year to get grossed out by it. This has to be a record.

My mom encourages me to go out for breakfast instead of whipping up some pancakes at the house since my 'friends' are here. And aren't I complaining constantly about not seeing them?

I push my plate aside, deciding I'm not hungry.

"Oh! You're coming right? Please tell me you're coming." Maddie says.

It's Maddie's younger sisters birthday party tonight, they're having the big event at their house.

"Yeah, definitely." I promise.

If I actually leave the house after dark once this week, it'll be for that.

It's Margot's birthday but somehow Maddie will be the only one who's going to be offended if I don't show up.

A part of me is disappointed I'll probably miss out on Luke and I's nightly routine. But maybe he's sick of me and needs a break from our constant chatting.

Nate offers to drive us all back when breakfast is over. Or I guess it's brunch now since it ran late? I don't know, I think brunch requires a cocktail menu.

This time we don't have to come up with an excuse to reject him. We biked here, his car doesn't have room for all three of our bicycles.

East Hampton is really small compared to back home. We'd walk if we had a bit more free time on our hands.

So after breakfast it's really no problem when we take the bikes into town for some last minute shopping.

Maddie isn't happy with what Maggie's making her wear, so she's on the hunt for some killer accessories to spice it up a bit. Even though her sister made it clear, not to upstage her. But Maddie's a Leo it's really in her DNA.

Jesse's looking for a sparkly headband that could pass as a tiara because there's a rumor going around that some British Duke's son is in town for the party and she's got no problem being royal adjacent one day.

And I'm here to hold their shopping bags and vote yes or no on impulse buys.

Maddie helped me pick out my dress weeks ago, and I still like it. No need for changes now. I already hemmed and altered it, I even had my shoes picked out.

We also stopped by a florist so Maddie could send her sister a bouquet with her gift.

And we spent the evening walking around and drinking lavender infused lemonade from the cafe.

I'm happy to bike all the way up to my parent's house alone. I'm listening to Luke's Spotify playlist called 'red bull is not water'. It's mostly Paramore and All Time Low. It's halfway through when I finally bike up the driveway.

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