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/The Hampton's/


Instead of going to a big party at the Lockwood's Hampton's house with my parents on the first full day of our trip, I did something I wanted to do.

I pretended to throw up, and it freaked my mom out enough that she let me stay home.

But I didn't stay home.

I went to the stables and rode Angus all the way to the beach. Angus is the name of my horse. I got him in middle school, he was a birthday gift. A British Shire horse, fluffy white hair covering his hooves, glamorous mane.

I haven't seen him in almost two months. He's a really good training horse at the country club my parents belong to. So I know he isn't lonely.

I was simply punished from seeing him as often because I lied to my parents about going to a concert.

I accepted the consequence maturely, to not make them suspicious of more lies I tell them. And hey! It worked.

Angus likes to splash in an out of the shore, letting the small dying waves and mist cool him off in the end of summer heat.

Being silent with an animal is different than being silent with people. They don't care if you talk or if you don't. People do. And they get mad when you don't. They assume you're upset. And when animals are quiet it's literally because they can't talk. Not because they're punishing you with the silent treatment.

By sunset, Jesse and Maddie figured out I must've been faking, and came looking for me on their own horses. Sugar and Declan. They were wearing their fancy party clothes their mothers picked out but rode the horses anyway.

We rode to the stables back together and they filled me in on all the gossip though I didn't ask or even really care.

They also mentioned the holiday plans are already being made. The parties my parents host, skiing in Aspen and Vail, maybe Switzerland if all the adults can get the time off, the big party for the Boston museum of Fine Arts.

So much to do. And they sound excited so I try to sound excited since I doubt we'll be able to get out of it.

Since it was dark out and our parents are much more attentive on vacation we called it a night early. We said goodbye to the horses for the day and Jake stopped by to pick us up and drop us all off back home.

I was only slightly bummed since I know I'll see them tomorrow. And besides, I've got something much better to look forward to.

I made it home before my parents, with only a little bit of time to spare.

I got to hang out in my mom's bathroom while she got unready. Took off her jewelry, put it back in the safe, let down her hair, put on her fancy skincare products. I wanted to stay up, but eventually she shooed me off to bed.

Any other night that would hurt my feelings, but not tonight.

Luke FaceTimed me at exactly 12:59am on the dot.

"Hey! Heh, you finally picked up on time." He jokes when his face appears on the screen.

"Me? You're the one that calls so late." I chuckle.

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