/thirty two/

395 9 1

/one for the road/


I should've listened to Luke. I should've just rested up. But it's not like I had an inkling that he was going to wake me up while it was still dark out. I think I only slept for four hours. Tops.

"I know you're awake." Luke says, I don't have to open my eyes to know he's smiling at me.

"I don't have to check out 'til eleven." I groan, pushing his hand away that's trying to stick its fingers in my nose.

"We're checking out now." Luke whispers, chuckling to himself.

"Why?" I demand.

If I had an ounce of energy I'd be totally embarrassed that he's seeing me like this, all cry baby like because I'm still sleepy. I'm not a morning person and it's definitely my least attractive trait.

"It's a surprise."

"I've had my fill of surprises." I say though I don't even know if that's true.

I reach for a fluffy pillow, desperate to hide under it, but he rips it from my hands before I can get it over my head.

"Last one for a while. Promise." He thinks all this is funny, chuckling to himself every time I whine.

"Luke! Please! This isn't funny!" I complain.

"Come on! Up! I ordered you coffee! From a place too. Not just downstairs." He boasts, impressed with himself.

"I don't drink coffee." I remind him.

Didn't think I'd have to remind him of that but whatever.

"I know. But you better start today."

"What's so special about today?"

"Irrelevant. I'm gonna convert you though."


"Amara! I'm trying to do this the easy way!" Luke chuckles, trying to get the duvet off me but I'm holding on to it for dear life.

"What are you talking about!" I exclaim, hating how my voice goes horse some mornings but he seems to really like it and starts laughing at me.

A pounding starts at the door, startling me. I finally sit up in bed. I don't think I remember ordering a wake up call though in my current state it's impossible to tell. Either way I don't think hotel employees do wake up calls by almost giving their guests heart attacks.

"I tried to warn you." Luke gets up to let the barbarian at the door in.

"What?" I complain, is that a threat?

"She up yet?"

It's Maddie. I don't even have to look to know it's Maddie.


"Maddie if you come in here right now I swear to god-"

don't you go // lrhWhere stories live. Discover now