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I watch Luke in his bed, while stark awake in mine.

As the sun crept through, it only made him look more beautiful.

Since the words left his mouth, I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep. It feels silly, almost willfully ignorant on my end, not having considered that Luke is fully aware that people try to use him too. And a lot of the time they succeed it sounds like.

And I'm one of those people.

Or I almost was.

Just made me feel... icky.

So icky knowing I had almost completely become something I've always hated and I'm likely to always hate. Just knowing you're not interesting enough on your own, you're only interesting because of what you've got to offer in the most superficial sense, it's brutal.

Luke's turned on his side, facing my bed across the room. He's not a loud snorer, and doesn't drool as far as I can tell. If only I could get closer, get a good look at him.

I feel different this morning.

He didn't make me feel weird about my dad. And he didn't hound me with questions after I asked him to stop.

The subject was opened and closed within the seconds it took him to slow down, and realize it made me upset.

A pounding at the door interrupts my train of thought, and I let out a startled gasp. I sit up in bed, reaching for my glasses on the nightstand and wondering if I should open it.

Maybe it's a manager? Or Rick? Room service even?

The pounding came again and I turned my head in Luke's direction, who was still fast asleep.

Just as I started to get up to open the door, I heard the hotel lock twist, and watched Michael come in, and I know immediately he's responsible for the knocking.

"'Morning, Amara." He salutes me casually.

"Morning?" I reply, getting completely out of bed, trying to straighten my very wrinkled shirt to look the slightest bit presentable.

At first I think he's here to wake Luke up or something, who's still fast asleep through all this noise by the way. Heavy sleeper, noted.

I stand confused, watching Michael go into the bathroom and take one of the complimentary glass cups from its paper bag.

"Um- whatcha doin'?" I ask, noticing he's now filling the cup with water.

He doesn't reply, instead he gets it all the way full, and it spills a bit into the sink.

I decide not to intervene when it becomes clear he's headed for Luke's bed. He's so casual and calm about this, maybe it's just a tour prank and they do it all the time.

Michael doesn't hesitate or even stop for a second, he just throws all the water onto Luke's sleeping face, it sounds like he smacked him as it splashes.

Luke woke up instantly, gasping, rubbing his eyes, "What the fuck Michael!"

Michael put the glass down on the nightstand, and crossed his arms over his chest as he let out a few chuckles, and yes I chuckled too. I obviously have no idea what on earth could've prompted this, but come on. It's funny.

"Oh this is funny?" Luke sighs, getting out of his now wet bed and headed to the bathroom for a fresh towel.

"Was it funny last night?" Michael starts.

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