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/sweetest reconciliation/


Unable to focus on the study guide of the first history final of the semester, I wonder if I'm totally fucked with the whole online school thing.

I debate texting my friends and asking for an emergency study group.

Then, I remember I'm not usually like this.

It's not my fault.

That stupid fight with Luke and him not calling me the last few days has been sneaking into my mind when I thought I totally shut the door to that specific train of thought.

It's even getting in the way of how long it takes me to fall asleep.

It's kept me distracted for days since it happened. I can't even focus on class anymore it's embarrassing.

I used to never be that girl. Whose whole world revolves around a boy.

But then I became her. Just like that.

It's pathetic.

I should've seen the end of this thing coming. I should've expected it the second I became vulnerable with him.

Francesca knocked on the door, startling me slightly.

"Yes?" I ask, sitting up, grateful I'm no longer alone with my thoughts.

"Delivery. You left these downstairs." Francesca shakes her head, bringing in some dry cleaning.

"Oh," I remember, "Sorry."

"I'll get these in the wash. You clean up too, your parents are coming home today. They're going straight to the Oak after the airport." Francesca says.

My head perks up, I totally forgot they're coming back so soon. It's been such a shit week that I managed to forget.

"Ah! Really?" I exclaim.

"Yup! And I made cannolis so you can have a treat when you get home." She tells me, nodding toward the door.

I hope the good mood lasts so I can grab a few later without feeling so shit about it.

And I wished my grandma lived here still, she'd love Francesca, and her cannolis recipe. I always picture them being best friends in the 70's, whispering in Italian and smoking skinny cigarettes.

After my shower I checked the groupchat, wondering if the conversation changed subjects.

If their parents were joining us, my friends would've said so by now. So we're really going alone.

"Is that what I'm supposed to wear?" I asked Francesca, I nodded toward the dry cleaning she had hanging from my closet door.

"Yes, and your mom was very, very clear about that part." She laughs.

"You talked to her?" I wonder.

"Yeah, she said to make sure you wear the Diamond earrings, and the Chanel pearls." She instructs.

"Wow, fancy." I say, surprised.

The Chanel pearls aren't even mine, they're my moms.

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