/thirty nine/

339 5 0

/new years eve/


Luke had to remind me of a conversation we had when I was sort of, maybe, half asleep. When he insisted on picking me up from the airport with his security team, I thought he was just joking. He told me I agreed. That I was really gonna do this. In public. With him. I thought he HAD to be joking.

But there he was outside of baggage claim, wearing sunglasses looking cool as ever in an all black outfit.

As soon as my sneakers hit the end of the escalator, I ran. My friends were calling my name behind me, but I didn't care. A mixture of excitement and a bit of inexplicable tears and every single minute we've been apart was spinning inside me.

Luke smiles when he saw me running toward me, and he met me halfway, our chests collided so hard it hurt a little. But I couldn't feel anything but him. I tossed my bags to the side, I felt like I was floating.

I was.

Luke lifted me up off the ground, placing loud kisses on my neck. I pulled away for a second to get a good look at his smiling face. I wrapped my legs around his torso, clasped onto his shoulders, there he is. He's real. And not limited to my iMessages or my laptop screen.

"Hey stranger." I beam.

"You come here often? I'm expecting my girlfriend any minute now."

"Shut up." I chuckle, compelled by my need to kiss him.

Our beautiful moment was ruined when the paparazzi surrounded us. The security had to gather all my things along with my friends things, and stuff us into the car without physically assaulting a photographer. It was hard too. They didn't stop taking pictures when we were trying to drive off either. We almost hit one.

My heart was racing. I'm convinced my palms all sweaty. I'm finding it hard to breathe through my nose and not my mouth.

But when Luke entwined our fingers together, put his other arm tight around me and kissed my forehead, the anxiety subsided. I let out a deep breath, let my eyes fall closed for a moment to myself. He whispered that I'm okay in my ear over and over. And I felt it. I felt okay.

I only got a few minutes to say hi to the other 5sos boys before Luke was pulling me away, down the familiar stairs to the studio in the house, and then his bedroom.

It brought back memories. Horrible ones. Being here again. Because last time - I don't even want to think about it.

All of it is soon forgotten when I see Luke's long distance lamp on the bedside table. He actually used it.

"It was hard getting that thing through TSA." He notices me looking, shuts the door behind us.

"Oh yeah? How so?" I wonder, setting my bags down.

"Well. On the x-ray, with the cord attached and everything it looks exactly like a cartoon bomb." He snickers, making me burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh my god! I bet it totally does." I chuckle.

"I was like oh she's done it now. She totally fake likes me. Sabotaged me to get my passport taken away. So 5sos would never play in America again. I see right through you kid!" He tickles at my sides.

"Ah! Rats! My evil plan's been ruined!" I laugh, feeling him inch me closer toward the bed.

"You're supposed to say, no Luke I would never do that."

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